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Gojo-Senpai was still speechless on your bed.

"What did you do?!"

Senpai's mouth was dry. After a moment to process everything himself, his lip quivered uncontrollably. "I didn't mean to..."

"Did you, or did you not touch Y/n?" Sensei was to the point.

He was silent for a few moments, as if in a state of denial himself. But he was able to let the words leave his lips eventually. "...I did." Fiddling with his thumbs, Gojo-Senpai looked down. He didn't dare make eye contact with his older self.

"You basically.... No, you did! You raped a student of mine. Do you think I can take this lightly?" Pinching the bridge of his nose, Gojo-Sensei huffed out. "You sneak out of the apartment, leave behind your phone, and sexually assault one of my students? If you weren't me, I'd make sure you wouldn't live to see another day!"

"...I understand."

This response only frustrated Gojo-Sensei more. "You understand? If you understood, this wouldn't have happened in the first place!"

Sensei was about to snap once more, but he held back after remembering you were still outside. Letting off a small sigh, he looked back to the door before gritting his teeth at the boy before him. "I am sending you home immediately. We will talk later."

Senpai was still dazed by the whole event, but he was still able to give a gentle nod. That was enough for Sensei to teleport him out of here back to the apartment. Now... it was time for the elephant in the room.

With a soft sigh, Gojo-Sensei turned to leave your room before kneeling next to your trembling body that was hunched against the hallway wall. "Y/n... I'm so sorry. You should have never had to deal with this. This is my fault, I was too careless."

No matter how hard Sensei was trying to comfort you right now, you didn't dare look up. It hurt just as bad to look at either of them, so you buried your head in your arms to hide.

Sensei was able to figure as much, so he took a small sigh before taking a step back to give you space. "I don't expect you'd appreciate my company right now, Y/n-chan. Nevertheless I'm not offended if you decide it's best to not come to school for the next few days. I'll explain the situation to Shoko so she'll be able to connect you with the right resources. Please, take all the time you need."

Your Sensei tried his best to comfort you, but even he understood you needed your space. He knew the general gist of what happened. Thinking back on his youth he'd never of guessed he'd go this route, but then again he's been so desirable finding someone willing to sleep with him wasn't an issue. Nevertheless, Senpai was completely isolated from the world except for you.

Of course this was no excuse, but it's the only explanation Sensei could think of for his younger self's rash actions. Whatever sparked this behaviour, it needed to be dealt with immediately.


Sensei didn't bother knocking before opening Senpai's room door. He was incredibly unimpressed with the events that occurred, and was even more frustrated that his younger self wasn't remorseful at all. To think that there'd be any semblance of regret?

"To stoop that low..." Sensei was cold. "You've crossed a completely different line today."

Senpai remained completely silent, as if lost in his own thoughts. It wasn't until Sensei snapped his fingers infront of the boy's face did he show any reaction to his surroundings.

"I'm talking to you," Sensei frowned. "You blew any other opportunity to leave this apartment in one fell swoop. Is the weight of your actions not even sinking in?!"

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