Did i mention

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jayla pov
the following day while mal gave the cookie to ben fairy godmother made me go to the schools art class

we had did some paintings which was actually really peaceful and i quite enjoyed it so maybe auradon isn't that bad

but after school there was tourney game and jay and carlos wanted us to come and so we did and i stood in the bleachers with mal evie and lonnie

as we watched i was very surprised to say the least when they put carlos in the game- and he did really good

once the game was over and we won ben decided to take the mic from the guy who was narrating the game "Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say." he said and stood on a platform "Give me an "M"!" he yelled as everyone did so repeating it

"A!" "L!" "What's that spell?" he yelled and everyone turned to the girl "Mal!" and she just blushed "I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" he said as audrey ran off the field "Give me a beat!" he yelled and music started and he actually started singing

~ did i mention ; ben ~

while he sung i couldn't help but look at how cute carlos looked while dancing and he even winked at me but during the end of the song they threw ben into the bleachers

he crowded waved over to mal before saying "I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" he told her

audrey then rushed up onto the bleachers with chad taking the mic "Chad's my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date." she told him and turned to kiss him

i felt bad as evie turned away but ben took the mic back and looked at mal "Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?" he yelled into the mic "Yes!"
"She said yes!"

while everyone cheered carlos came over to me with a smile "Jayla?" he asked and i smiled "Yea, Carlos"

"Would you go to the coronation with me?" he asked and i smiled more and nodded "Of course." i told him and he smiled along and kissed my cheek

but jay ruined it "Come on Carlos stop flirting with my sister." he said grabbing the back of jersey pulling him away

he waved at me and i laugh waving back and went back to standing with evie and mal

"What a victory. What a day for the Auradon knights, finally winning back the trophy after so many years."

mal and i noticed how sad evie looked and we exchanged a look "I feel really sorry for Audrey." mal said and i nodded "You do?" evie asked and i agreed "Yeah, me too."

"I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew.." mal started to list "and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself." i continued making evie smile shyly

"I guess I am kind of talented." she said looking down and nudged her light"You are definitely gifted."

"Thanks, M thanks JJ." she told us and we hugged her then seen as the team lifted up jay making us laugh

"And there he is. Jay, the most valuable player. How do you like that?" the announcer said

"Wow, didn't think jay could work so well with a team." i said and the two agreed

we're rotten | carlos de vil Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum