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 stand on the curb patiently as a midnight blue Subaru WRX pulls up beside me.

When we got back to our cars at the falls parking lot it was decided that Isaiah would pick me up at my 'house' since they didn't want me wandering around looking for them on my own.

Blake and Ace are already at the venue, Ace told me it's because Blake wanted to make sure I would be let in no hassle tonight.

"Jump in, Cupcake!" The passenger window of the sporty Subaru is rolled down to reveal the one and only Isaiah.

Not to toot my own horn, but when they all insisted he pick me up, I flawlessly came up with the idea of telling them to pick me up at apartments across from the supermarket parking lot I sleep in sometimes.

That way I could wait out front like I'm just excited or whatnot, instead of putting it out there that I actually live in my car.

I still haven't been able to fix Jack, and I'm getting worried because the noises he's making are starting to sound like the motor is about to go out, and no way can I afford to fix that.

I open the passenger door and hop into the shiny leather seats. "Thanks for picking me up." I smile over at Isaiah who then winks at me.

"No problem, Cupcake. Nice apartments, do you have one of the ones on the top floor with a balcony?" He nods up to the fancy balconies covered in plants and seating arrangements I could only dream of ever having.

"No." I simply state.

I'm trying my very hardest to not lie to him. I never said I live here, just for him to pick me up here.

"You should upgrade, those balconies look incredible." He shrugs.

I gaze up to them again, I'd seriously take just living on the balcony, forget the apartment that's connected.

"Yeah, maybe one day." I smile over at him. He shifts the car into first gear and speeds off down the road.

We make it to the venue outrageously fast, Isaiah has a lead foot. I thought we were going to die a few times, but everyone is still alive as we pull into a parking place along the road.

"Remember to stay close. If anything happens to you, Blake will kill me." Isaiah says seriously.

"Why does he care so much?" I ask one of the many questions that have been running around my brain. Why do any of them care? But Blake seems to take it a step farther than the rest and it confuses me to no end.

Isaiah snorts, "You're cute, Cupcake. And blind." He unbuckles his seatbelt and hops out of the car.

Well, that answer left me more confused than I already was. I do the same and step out of the car meeting Isaiah on the sidewalk.

"Shoot, there are already a bunch of people here. Give me your wrist." He holds his hand out towards me.

"My wrist?" What the heck does he want with my wrist?

"Yeah, so we don't get separated." He says in a duh tone.

"Don't most people hold hands?" I question, but place my wrist in his open palm anyway.

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to upset the beast tonight." I give him a questioning look but he just turns around and starts heading along the side of the building.

He was right, there are a lot of people here already. More than last time but I'm not uncomfortable in the slightest this time.

"Fucking hell, not you lot again." The guard mumbles.

Fighting for RoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora