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I've been living with Blake for over a month now and I've grown really close to him and the rest of the guys.

I've also tried on multiple occasions to get him to take his bedroom back, but he always shoots me down and gives me a dirty look like I'm insulting him.

I'm currently sat in the living room munching on a snack, Blake's constantly eating food and I'm just starting to adjust to eating three meals a day.

"I'm gonna go to the gym and do some shopping afterwards. Let me know if you need anything." Blake says, grabbing keys off the counter by the door.

"Ok, stay safe." I smile over at him.

"Yeah you too. Ace should be here any minute, do you want me to wait with you?" He questions.

They've come up with an agreement amongst themselves not to leave me alone, a few minutes here and there is the most I've been alone since I got here.

I don't mind, I love the company and they're doing it because Conway hasn't backed down.

He constantly threatens Blake and even tried to talk to me at a fight once. Isaiah dragged me away before he could get a word out, but that didn't stop Conway from evil smirking at me. It sends a shiver of disgust down my spine everytime I think about it.

"No, it'll be fine." I reassure him.

Blake's become more protective over me in the last month, not in a bad way or anything, he just really cares and is determined not to let anyone or anything hurt me.

The only way he sees that being possible is if he's with me twenty-four seven, the few hours he can't be with me he calls Ace over. Even though he would try his best, Blake prefers Isaiah isn't the one with me because he's afraid we would both end up dead.

Not only because Isaiah is lacking in the fighting skills that Ace and him have. But also because as Isaiah and I have become closer, well, we tend to feed off of each other's energy and that leads to many situations that might be a little unsafe in Blake's eyes.

Like last week when Isaiah and I were in the living room and the other guys were in the kitchen. I randomly blurted out that I wanted to see what the city looked like from the rooftop of the apartment.

Isaiah said he always wondered too, so we walked to the balcony area on the fifth floor and found out that there wasn't a ladder to the roof. Isaiah hoisted me up on his shoulders and I tried to pull myself up over the top only to be yanked back down by an angry Blake.

Still have no clue how he found us, but I don't want to bring it up because he gave Isaiah an earful for a good half-hour that night.

I got a light flick on the forehead and a stern 'be careful'.

Definitely don't want to aggravate him and get the same talking too as Isaiah did. So now whenever Isaiah and I are quietly whispering to each other about what we want to do, Blake sends us a warning glare.

When Blake leaves the house it's not more than five minutes until Ace is walking through the door.

"Hey Rose." He smiles.

I feel bad sometimes that they do this for my safety. Ace and Blake used to go and train at the gym together, but now Ace is stuck babysitting me.

"Hi! How's everything? Did you get the paperwork figured out?" I question, scooting over on the couch to make room for him.

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