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"Hand it over!" Isaiah yells from across the room.

"Never! I'll protect it to my death!" Rose hollers back, clutching a jar of peanut butter. I'm actually not quite sure what's going on, I think Isaiah is trying to throw the peanut butter out for some random reason, and Rose is against it.

I'm not sure, they don't make sense a lot of the time.

"Isaiah, go home. It's ten already." I grumble from my spot on the couch. I love seeing Rose like this, but she also has deep bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep she's been getting.

"Can I stay over? The apartment above mine flooded. The office is letting in contractors to have my floors redone early tomorrow." Ace yells from the bathroom.

He's taking a shit and can't wait to get done before he asks. Boy do I have the best of the best when it comes to friends.

"Oooh! Can I say over too?" Isaiah asks.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend or something?" He's been spending all his time with her, but today he's been here alone.

"Nah, she's out of town visiting family for a few days. You got me all to yourself." He flops himself across the couch.

"Great." I mumble unimpressed.

"Can they stay? I'll make cupcakes!" Rose bounces up and down on her toes.

"Please?" Damn her and her cute ass self.

"Yeah, they can stay" I heard the words come out of my mouth before I registered that I said them.

When it comes to her it's almost impossible for me to say no. Anyone else can go jump in a river with a wedgie, but I'd be damned if I made her sad.

She's getting her appetite back as well, so that puts me at ease. She barely ate anything for a week, in fact she was completely out of it for that week.

She assured me that she just wasn't feeling good that week, but she still isn't sleeping well. I offered to take her to the doctors, but she declined.

I want to know what's wrong, but she's stubborn and won't take help from anyone, not even a doctor.

"Yes!" She hoots, pumping a fist in the air.

She turns to Isaiah and holds up the peanut butter. "Guess what kind of cupcakes I'm making." She taunts. "Chocolate peanut butter, with extra peanut butter. Maybe I'll do a peanut butter filling too. I'm gonna use the whole jar" She laughs running to the kitchen.

"Do you have milk?" Isaiah asks with wide eyes. "We're gonna need a lot of it to wash down cupcakes with a whole jar of peanut butter in them."

Luckily we do have milk, a gallon of regular and some coconut as well. Rose has been into milk alternatives lately, coconut is her favorite so far. Ace walks out of the bathroom and Rose is on him in an instant.

"Blake said you can stay! Want to make cupcakes with me?" She says excited.

"Isaiah can't help, he doesn't like this peanut butter." Her little face peeks around the corner and sends a glare at Isaiah.

Ace's loud laughter bounces off the walls, "Sure, what do you want me to do?" He asks.

"Can I help?" I ask walking in. No way am I letting Ace have all the fun.


And that's how the rest of our night went. Ace and I measured and mixed ingredients while Rose tried to help.

Fighting for RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ