Fifty One: Ophelia

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a/n: this may be a weird request lol but please point out any typos!! i have a new device and I'm trying to learn how to write best on it :P luv u all pls enjoy this late af update

Seoul, South 
February 27, 2020

My eyes are thick and heavy as I start to wake up. The cold of the wintery air nips at my nose but my body is warm and comfortable beneath the heavy blankets. Sunlight trickles through the curtains and dances on my still closed eyelids. I breathe a deep sigh and at that, feel a stirring beside me in bed. 

The presence is new but familiar; its warmth is what's keeping me from being cold like my nose. A heavy arm runs up my skin before wrapping around my stomach and pulling me into a firm chest. I lean into the touch. The scent that envelopes me is instantly comforting. Everything I've ever wanted from my family and friends, everything I've always wanted to say and always wanted to hear is said through the simple touch and smell of the person beside me as I wake up. 

Their nose nudges into my cheek lovingly and I turn my body to face them and be closer. I can't get enough of them. 

A deep chuckle wakes me fully and I flutter my eyes open to see Seokjin smiling sweetly at me. 

"Good morning," he whispers, his thumb brushing my cheek sweetly. 

"Good morning," I reply in the same sleepy whisper. "What time is it?" 

Seokjin laughs again. "You're speaking English, my sweet." 

I blink and find myself laughing along with him. His arms find their way to cage around my body and hold me closer. His face ducks down and he touches my nose with his. 

I soak in the look of him so early in the morning. His eyes are so swollen, they're nearly shut and his cheeks carry a soft blush, along with a few creases from his sheets. His warm skin shines a deep honey color in the early morning light. I bring my fingers up to touch his face gently. His lashes brush down on his cheeks as he just looks down at me and I look up at him. His hair is flat on his head and sticking up in a few places on top. Combined with the overall look he's serving, he looks so young. Perhaps it's the way his eyes just glow with deep adoration that gives him that look. No matter the reason, he makes my heart stop without fail. 

"What are you looking at?" he says in a playfully accusing voice. 

I smile, hiding my face in his neck to breathe in more of his beautiful scent. He smells like home. He holds me closer to his chest and I sigh. I could probably fall right back asleep if I closed my eyes long enough. 

"I wanted to ask you something," Seokjin says softly. I can feel his lips moving against my hair before he places a gentle kiss there. 

"Hm?" I hum, the sleepiness really starting to settle back in. 

"Do you always talk in your sleep?" 

I sigh and roll away from him. 

"Hey, hold on now." He reaches out to bring me back but I just keep rolling. 

"No, you've ruined it now," I mumble into the pillow. "You should know never to bring up someone's sleep talking. Never ever." 

Seokjin laughs as I roll over to the very edge of the bed and he rolls with me, caging me back in his arms. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I won't mention it again. Just don't go anywhere." 

"I'm hungry, Seokjin." 

"Let's go feed you." 

"Want help?" I ask, sitting up on my elbow. 

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