Epilogue: Jimin

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disclaimer: remember that this is a work of fiction; I am not assuming/asserting the sexualities of any of the members as I write my stories. these are simply tales with familiar characters. no homophobia/transphobia of ANY KIND will ever, EVER be tolerated by me. if you don't like it, don't read it. 

June 12, 2021
Seoul, South Korea

A plastic toy is thrown at my head, nearly taking me out. I jump and drop my phone when the toy knocks my hat off my head and stare in shock in the direction of the two babies, both holding onto the edge of the living room coffee table for dear life. The two of them glare at me with their chubby faces. I stare back.

"What the heck, you guys?" I say exasperatedly. I sit up from where I was laying on the couch. I lean down for my hat and place it firmly back on top of my head. "Who threw that?"

Min Aera turns her face to look at Seo Jeongin. Jeongin, however, turns his head away as well and stares at the sunlight streaming through the window.

Aera looks back at me, her thin eyes staring deep into my soul as if to speak to me.

You're supposed to be watching us, Uncle Jimin. You wouldn't have nearly died by baby toy if you'd been paying attention.

"I know," I tell her. "I'm waiting for a very important phone call these days, Aera. It's very important."

Jeongin screeches at that. Yeah right, my brain interprets form his baby talk.

"Just wait until all your parents get here," I snap at them. "I'll tell them you were bashing me. You'll get in trouble."

The two children just look at me. Jeongin's chubby hands slip off the edge of the coffee table and he plops down on his bottom. I look over the edge of the table and he stares back at me. I would be more concerned if we didn't have the new rug in the living room. We got the super fluffy carpeting specifically for these two. Jeongin's always liked to throw his head back when he gets excited. After one time of him knocking his head on the marble floor, Namjoon bought the softest rug he could find. No more cracked heads.

However, once my attention is on him, the little boy's face scrunches up and he lets out an ear piercing cry. I roll my eyes at him, but get up to pick him up nonetheless. I worked hard to stop myself from having any big reactions when the babies fall. Chaeyoung told me he only really cries if we react. Still, anytime I babysit, the little sucker cries so I'll pick him up. Punk.

"Jeongin ah, you have to stop crying," I coo in a soft voice. I pat him on the bottom. "See? You're not hurt. It's okay. If you don't stop crying, Aera will cry, too. I'm not like Yoongi hyung, I can't hold two babies at once."

Jeongin finds it in himself to settle. His lip still pouts and his eyes are still all teary, but he's not crying anymore. I call that a win in the Jimin scorebook of life. Aera's not even crying this time.

"Oh yeah, how's it feel to be the best uncle, Jimin?" I ask myself. "High five, Jeongin."

He just stares at me.

"Okay, fine."

I set him down on the couch, placing cushions around him like Chaeyoung taught me to, and reach over the table again to pick up Aera. I cuddle the two babies into my sides and set my phone up against my leg once again.

"Here, we can wait together," I tell them. "What do babies like to watch these days?"

They don't answer. Figures.

I don't have to worry too long, though. The front door opens and the house is instantly flooded with laughter as Namjoon and his soulmate walk through the door. I nearly faint in relief.

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