Thirty: Ophelia

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San Francisco, California
September 16, 2019

"You seem awfully happy for a Monday."

Ara sips her coffee as we walk to a small table in the cute coffee shop near our universities. We sit and I sigh, looking out the window at the less than busy street outside.

I shrug in response. "I think I'm just relieved that Seokjin is in a good enough place to continue their schedule. Their break ended today."

Ara nods. "I heard. Did you hear about the Jungkook thing?"

My brows furrow. "No? Is he okay?"

"He—" she starts, but cuts herself off. Her eyes widen as she looks at the door behind me.

"Oh shit, Ophelia, don't look behind you," Ara says quickly and quietly, hiding her round wire glasses behind her large coffee mug.

"Oh, knock it off!" I scold, playfully slapping her on the arm. "You're being weird and it's drawing attention to us."

"Ophelia? Is that you?"

My body freezes as I recognize the smooth, deep voice of the man that calls my name.

Oh shit is right.

I turn and come face to face with Ronan, the guy from the club back in June that I danced with and kissed and traded numbers with and then blocked the next day. His once dazzling smile seems to be hiding beneath his chocolatey stoic face. He seems displeased...I can imagine why....

"Ronan?" I ask, nearly choking on his name in pure shock. I can't believe I'd forgotten about this guy only for him to show up randomly after the month I've had. It's like the universe enjoys fucking with me.

"Yeah, wow," Ronan says with a heavy exhale. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't expect to see you either," I admit for lack of anything else to say.

"Yeah, I gathered that from the block."

Off.  He's pissed, I can tell. And rightly so, honestly. Some chick makes out with you at the club and you have good chemistry and fun conversations? I'd be irritated too if I thought we could be going somewhere. I feel bad for not at least giving him an explanation.

"Well, would you look at the time!" Ara says uncomfortably. "It's time for my hourly poop! Lemme just—" She jumps up, running to hide in the bathroom without another look in our direction.

"Look, Ophelia—"

"Ronan, before you say anything, please let me try to explain," I say desperately, standing up to try and meet his height a bit more. He's still quite a bit taller than I am.

"Please," I nearly beg. "Just sit and listen."

He sighs, but sits without protest. I feel better now that we're on the same plane.

"If you weren't interested, you could've told me," he says simply. "You gave me your number. I thought we were hitting it off."

"It's not that I'm not—that I wasn't—interested," I correct. "It's not like that at all, believe be. You were very nice and very interesting. I wanted to give you my number."


"It's just..."

I can't think of a way to bring up Seokjin in the least creepy fangirl sounding way possible. The only way to explain is to tell him about my soulmate, to apologize and make things right so he doesn't feel stupid.

"So, I know my soulmate," I say. His eyes widen at that immediately.

"Oh, so you were cheating on him with me?" Ronan's eyes flash with hurt instead of the irritation that's been there. I realize I'd rather him be mad at me.

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