Twelve: Ophelia

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June 1, 2019
San Francisco, California

"Your husband is a saint," I say with a sigh, adjusting my sunglasses.

Rose simply hums in agreement before she sprays more tanning oil onto her still pale skin. "Yes, it's true," she agrees. "I kind of love him. Just a little though."

I laugh at her words before we fall back into relaxed silence. The hot rays of the sun soak into my wintery skin. It's officially the start of summer, and Rose and my grandmother finally forced me to get out of the house and into the world. Specifically, onto the beach.

"I always forget how much I love the ocean," Rose says. "The best part is all the cuties that are perfectly eligible stand-ins for Jin." She giggles in a high pitched, childish way. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Please," I dismiss. "Who would want to waste time on dating when you'll find your soulmate anyway? That's so unnecessary."

"Oh, plenty of people, Ophelia," Rose argues. "So many people don't meet their soulmates. You've heard of the worldwide movement to stop recognizing soulmates. Our generation is trying really hard to make changes in the way things are done."

Of course I'd heard of the movement. A silent rebellion, severely frowned upon by older generations, that consisted of dating, loving, and marrying whoever your heart chose. To the younger generations, soulmates were a nice idea, but a thing of the past. They want freedom, especially the small percentage born without tattoos. They want the freedom to choose who you marry, want to eliminate the laws that keep people who aren't soulmates from being together. It's a movement I'm indifferent to.

"I guess I hadn't really thought about it," I mumble. My mind is now off of getting a summery California glow and back onto the topic of love. My grandma told me not to focus on these things anymore. My attempts have seemed to be unsuccessful.

"I'm telling you, you and Are go hit up a club sometime soon."

My eyes widen at that idea.

"Get that look off your face! We'll have a girls' weekend. Loosen you up, get you excited, maybe even get you laid."

My cheeks turn bright red at the last part. I had always been a very reserved person, even as a child. My father raised me to be more of a traditionalist, especially after he strayed so far away from tradition. He was an unmarried single father without a soulmate, about as untraditional as they come. He and Grandma always encouraged me to save myself for my soulmate, to save myself from the pain they both suffered in their own lives. I had always thought of waiting as my only option. Now...

"I know you've always wanted to wait. I respect that." Rose interrupts my thoughts. Has she been reading my mind? "But you have to look at your situation. As of now, your soulmate thinks he's found you. He thinks that that Min-hoe girl, or whatever her name is, is his true soulmate. He's not going to be looking anymore, unless a miracle happens. You might as well let yourself gather some new experiences. It wouldn't hurt anything."

"Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could," I confess. "I'm not like everyone else. I know exactly who my soulmate is. I have that connection to him already. I couldn't just forget him. I...I love him."

Rose rubs my hand as she hums in thought. "Maybe we don't have to go all the way." She lifts her sunglasses, baring her unique olive eyes to me and analyzes me. "Have you ever thought of changing up your look?"

"H-hello?" I call hesitantly into the house.

"Ophelia? Is that you?" my grandma replies from deep inside.

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