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"It's not every day you see a love blossom."


The trio had finally gotten home after their trip to the market stalls which despite (Y/N) and Kenny's argument, was successful as they had managed to get the ingredients they needed to cook a decent meal.

(Y/N) placed the basket full of ingredients onto the table and began to unpack everything while Kenny slouched on a chair tipping it up yet again, he attempted to put his feet onto the table but they were smacked away by (Y/N). Levi  stood by the table in between the two of them unsure of what to do, he just stood there patiently waiting for one of them, mostly (Y/N),  to pick him up or something.

She unpacked the food and smiled at Levi before picking him up and placing him onto the table. She looked over at Kenny and frowned removing the hat from his face and the male woke up glaring at the (H/C).
"Why do you need me? You wanted to cook, so cook." He groaned taking his hat back and putting it back onto his head.

"You can at least try to help." The female sighed in response.

"Well I don't even know how to cook, so even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be much help."

(Y/N) rolled her (E/C) eyes unsurprised that Kenny didn't know how to cook, he was like a man-child. "Okay. But if you don't help, don't expect me to give you any of the food we make."

"That's fine, I'll just go down to the bar."

(Y/N) huffed in response choosing to ignore Kenny and focus on Levi and what they were making. She had gotten the ingredients for a cake and for a meal some bread with some eggs on it, not the most fascinating of meals but it's what they had to work with in the underground, meat not only in the underground but in general was a rarity so she wasn't expecting to find any but she couldn't help but be disappointed.

"Right." She says breaking the silence and turns to Levi. "I think we should make the cake first because the egg on bread is pretty simple and quick."

Levi simply stared back with his usual blank expression and (Y/N) sighed in response. Having Kenny help with making the food would give her some company since Levi hadn't said a word to her since she had found him, but she wasn't going to pester him to join her.

She picked up the flour and poured it into a bowl and placed the bag down again going to get the rest of the ingredients.

(Y/N) returned to the table now turned into her cooking station, to get a face full of flour.

Kenny began to wheeze and slapped his thigh he was laughing so much, (Y/N) on the other hand was unimpressed with what the male had done and simply picked up the rest of the flour and chucked it at him making him shut up.
"Oh you wanna fight sweetheart?" He said lowly. Kenny stood up and dashed for the rest of the ingredients and so did (Y/N). The two of them very immaturely began to gather as much of the ingredients they could for themselves, but not to cook, to have a food fight.

Levi sat still on the table attempting to avoid as much as the food being thrown as possible before and egg was thrown directly into Kenny's face and a small giggle escaped from the boys lips.

(Y/N) froze and began to fangirl over Levi showing emotion and was pleased it was because Kenny had gotten an egg to the face.
"Take that! I made him laugh!" She yelled happily in the man's face before he smirked slyly wiping the excess egg yolk from his face and picked up an egg himself. The girl was oblivious to what the male was scheming due to how excited she had become over the boys small laugh.

Her happiness was short lived when she too had received an egg to the face- with much more force might I add.

An even louder laugh sounded from Levi, and Kenny began cheering for making the boy laugh louder than (Y/N) had. The female frowned and looked over the counter noticing all of the ingredients had been used in this food fight and nothing was left to be thrown or used for actual cooking. Despite this, she still wanted to make Kenny pay and so she ran at him ultimately failing once he had grabbed both of her hands pushing her up against the table.

The two stayed like this for longer than they'd like to admit just staring into each other's eyes.

(Y/N) figured something had taken over her body as she leaned in closer to the male, but he himself stayed put not pulling away.

Suddenly, Levi sneezed interrupting the two of them and Kenny had let go of her to allow her to tend to the boy. He was covered in flour and (Y/N) was angry with herself that she got carried away and Levi was in the middle of it and now he was messy along with the two of them.

"I'm gonna have to give this one a wash." She laughed as she picked Levi up and turned to Kenny but he faced away from her. "I think we need one too."

The male grunted and headed out the room not saying a word to her. He wasn't sure how to react to what just happened, he could care less that he was covered in a mess, he was in shock with what could of happened back then had Levi not interrupted. Hell, he wasn't sure if he was angry at the kid or not for interrupting them.

Kenny cursed himself for feeling like this and slammed his fist against the wall and left the house to head to the bar to take his mind off things, he didn't care if he was a mess right now, he just wanted to drink these new feelings away.


(Y/N) felt empty since Kenny had left, she wanted to know if it's because of what she nearly did. She was angry at herself for even trying to in the first place but she couldn't help but wonder how things would be had they did.

The female had washed herself and Levi and was putting him to bed, it had been hours since Kenny had gone out and (Y/N) was getting worried that he had left for good and it was all her fault. She tried to put those thoughts away as best she could and instead of stealing his bed like last night, she got onto the mattress with Levi and attempted to fall asleep.

'She hoped that when she woke up Kenny would of returned.'

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