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'She couldn't lose him.'


It had been a few months since (Y/N) and Kenny had confessed to each other and those few months were filled with nothing but happiness.

Levi was getting stronger each passing day and (Y/N) figured he would be just as good as Kenny when he gets older since he was improving fast at a young age.

They had gotten into the routine of Kenny training Levi and then returning home to spend time with (Y/N) to then end the day falling asleep next to eachother. Kenny gave up trying to leave afterwards as (Y/N) made it very hard to do so holding on to him so tightly.

"You know when we sleep, you don't have to grip so tightly." The male groaned taking a bite of his share of food.

"I just don't want you to leave."

"As if I could."

Kenny sighed lying back on his chair tipping it up slightly. Never in a million years would he of thought he would be this soft for someone, that he would feel the need to protect something other than himself. He had something like a family going for him, and he didn't hate it.

Suddenly, while in thought, Kenny felt a tugging at his arm. He looked down to see Levi pulling his arm his pocket knife in hand.
"Training already?" He sighed getting up. "You sure are determined, I'll give ya that."

"I want to help today." (Y/N) piped up jumping from her chair, despite being a decent fighter herself, she had never joined Kenny in training Levi and so she decided instead of doing nothing all day waiting for the them to return, why not just join them?

The male smirked. "Alright then."


"You're a little rough.." (Y/N) groaned as Kenny had flung her over his shoulder making her fall onto the floor with a harsh thump.

"Don't expect me to go easy on ya." The male shrugged in return. "Besides, this gives the brat an idea on how to do it."

"Right.." the (H/C) sighed getting up from the floor. She wanted to get back at Kenny.

While he was distracted explaining to Levi how to do the move he just demonstrated, (Y/N) ran at the male forcing him to the floor. She held his hands tightly above his head pinning him down. Kenny's face was shocked, he didn't know what had happened until he saw (Y/N) above him and he smirked.

"What're you gonna do now sweetheart?" He said lowly looking up at the female proud. She didn't need his protection.

Her face began to heat up but she kept a firm grasp on his hands.
"Not giving up that easy huh?"

Kenny moved his hands to grab her wrists and flipped her over so now he was on top of her. He grinned proudly at himself as (Y/N) struggled beneath him unsure how he managed to do that so easily.

He leant down about to place a kiss on her lips when something sharp came into contact with his neck while he was inches away from (Y/N)'s face. He looked to the side to be faced with Levi placing his pocket knife towards his throat.

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