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he would no longer be there.


(Y/N) outstretched her arms once the sun had begun to shine through the window she felt Levi beside her who had also just woken up but Kenny was nowhere. She didn't hear his usual complaints and groans about waking up too early or to sleep in more, it was just...quiet.

She felt where he had once slept, it was cold meaning he had gotten up a while ago, she didn't think he'd ever wake up earlier than her.

The female got up fixing her (H/C) hair as best she could while Levi followed beside her as she made her way to the kitchen.

Kenny wasn't there either, he wasn't lounging on one of the chairs like he usually would. Where was he? The girl wondered as she prepared breakfast for Levi and herself placing an extra plate for Kenny in case he showed up.

Usually she'd be worried when he would disappear but he gave her the reassurance she needed last night.

'Always Forever.'

She smiled at the words. Never did she think she'd fall this hard for a man she once found annoying who she would bicker constantly with though not much changed off that part.

(Y/N) ruffled Levi's hair while he munched on his food. "Where do you think he is?"

It was pointless starting a one-sided conversation but it was too quiet without Kenny around, he would usually find something to complain about or make fun off Levi or (Y/N) in some way.

"What do you want to do?" She asked the boy once he had finished his food he looked up at the female and pulled out his pocket knife.

"You do love training huh.."

(Y/N) didn't really feel like training him, Kenny was on her mind too much but she tried not to worry about him not returning, he will return.

"How about we wait till Kenny shows up and then you can get to training."

Levi placed his pocket knife back into his pocket. He got up from his seat and began to head out of the house.

"Where are you going?" The female asked becoming increasingly paranoid about Kenny's disappearance and didn't want for Levi to be out as well.

Levi stopped in his tracks turning towards her looking  at her with his usual expression but he almost had a sad look in his eye, he was far to young to understand completely but he knew Kenny would not return for he saw the male leave in the middle of the night.

He turned back and hugged the female while she lifted her arms in shock as Levi had shown her affection. (Y/N) finally hugged him back tightly while a few tears escaped.


Kenny was far from the house by now, his old friend Uri had crossed his mind and he made the decision to leave (Y/N) and Levi.

He couldn't be the family man that she wanted him to be. He set his mind on gaining the same Titan powers Uri once had and he figured (Y/N) would just get in his way in his search for power, but also because he didn't want her seeing this side of him. Perhaps if he gained the power then he too could see the world the same way Uri did. Being kind and compassionate. He wouldn't abandon the person he loved but he reminded himself that he was not him but he longed to be that great a man.

Kenny told himself he was doing the right thing leaving the two of them. He had made himself believe that a piece of trash like him didn't deserve to be happy and that's why he left. He thought it would be better for (Y/N) that she wouldn't be tainted by someone like him.

"It was fun while it lasted I suppose.." he mumbled quietly to himself while he sighed continuing to just get away to get far away enough that he would not find himself turning back around and returning to the female he longed to be with.

Perhaps in another life they would have the happy ending they desired but could not quite obtain.

Kenny thought himself a coward for leaving once things started to show commitment but he thought this was best, he still loved her of course but to be with her would go against himself. He wasn't prepared to be a family man, to parent a child. He had to let her go.


(Y/N) still sat at the table, Levi sat opposite her. The food she had placed out for Kenny had gotten cold and she began to worry the male would not return for real this time but she was determined he wouldn't just leave her and Levi like that.

"I'm going to check the bar." She quickly told Levi as she rushed out of the house hoping to see Kenny sat in his usual spot in the corner of the bar leaning back his hat pulled over his face or perhaps he was starting another argument with the bartender.

(Y/N) stormed through the bar earning a couple of looks from fellow drinkers. The corner seat was empty and her heart sank, he wouldn't truly leave her without saying anything?

She walked out making her way back to the house hoping that when she returned he would be there waiting for her.

He wasn't. The female fell onto her knees beginning to break down. The words 'Always Forever' running through her mind, the words began to sting at his painful lie. She hated herself for believing them and she wanted to hate him for lying to her and for leaving without even a goodbye.

But she couldn't hate him, she couldn't bring herself to, no matter what, she loved him and she couldn't help it and that's why she couldn't live without him.

It's ironic really, this whole thing started because she wanted to stay and look after a small scrawny child and give him the best life she possibly could but here she was saying her farewells to that very same child.

"I guess I didn't keep my promise either.."

(Y/N) couldn't accept Kenny leaving without any kind of goodbye or explanation that she was prepared to dedicate the rest of her life to finding him, but she decided she couldn't do it with Levi.

It pained her to leave him for she had lied to him as Kenny had lied to her. She told herself that the boy was able to look after himself to make herself feel better about the situation but in reality she was just as bad as Kenny was maybe even worse for leaving a child.

She kept telling herself it was for the best and she set out to search for the man she loved and who she couldn't bring herself to get over. She would find him one way or another she promised herself that, but was she about to turn that into another broken promise? 

All she knew was whether she was going to be able to find him or not she would always love Kenny,

Always Forever.

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