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"Come on sweetheart.."


(Y/N) shakes her head turning to face him. "Did you think using that stupid nickname would make me feel any better?"

Kenny's arms fall to his sides and he sighs. "It was worth a shot."

"Why did you leave?"

The male fails to look her in the eyes as he tries to conjure an answer. "I just did, give my hat back now."

"Stop lying and give me a straight answer." (Y/N) snaps, her grip on Kenny's hat tightening as her emotions overwhelm her. "You left without saying anything and I did a terrible thing- I left Levi all alone..I should never of done that.."

(Y/N) felt ashamed of herself, it's true she was a horrible person for leaving a child.

Kenny clenched his hands into fists and finally looked the female in the eyes. 'You want to know the reason? It's because I'm a coward, and when things were finally starting to go well for me, I had to go ahead and mess it all up.' Was what he had meant to say but instead he stayed quiet finding another thing to say, something to hurt her to make her stay away for real this time.

"Why do you believe that me leaving had some kind of reason? I just got bored, you're boring, so I left."

(Y/N) gripped his hat tighter as her eyes began to water. "You're lying! Stop trying to drive me away!"

"Why can't you understand? You never meant anything, like Caven said, you were just a fling." Kenny spits out harshly. "What? Did you actually think you were anything more than that?"

Kenny stepped closer to her reaching for his hat once more, this time (Y/N) let him take it. She  felt heartbroken but she refused to believe it. She knew deep down Kenny didn't mean anything he was saying, she knew him well enough to understand that.

"Why are you doing this?" She whispers trying to refrain from bursting into tears.

Kenny places his hat on his head low enough to shield his eyes. "Do yourself a favour sweetheart, forget about me."

He then uses the equipment and flys off leaving (Y/N) to her own heartache. She couldn't believe after finally finding them she had lost them both yet again. She couldn't just 'forget' Kenny, she loved him and she would stop at nothing for him to stop pushing her away. (Y/N) wasn't going to let him go so easily, she was going to go after him.

The female began to run, dodging the many people in her way she hoped to at least catch a glimpse of the male or even Levi, she still needed to make amends with him, if he would even forgive her.

Suddenly a cart rushes past her almost running her over and the sound of grapples from above were head. (Y/N) looked up to spot Levi as well as people still chasing after him.

"Levi!" She called out to him, she couldn't lose him, not this time. The male looks down for a split second at her before sighing and grappling down to swoop her up. Levi then throws her onto the back of the cart causing for the people already on the cart to look surprised. One of the males on the cart pointed a sword towards a woman who was on the floor of the cart, he appeared to be hesitating.

"Don't move!" The boy with ash brown hair orders the woman as he holds the sword shakily at her. (Y/N) watches wide eyed and wondered if to take the sword from him and do it herself, it wouldn't be her first time killing another.

The woman grunts before hitting the sword out of the boys hand and (Y/N) gets up to defend him as she points her gun. The woman froze while pointing the gun- she was hesitating too. Suddenly as (Y/N) was going to disarm the woman, a gunshot was fired causing her to pause. She watched as the woman collapses blood pouring from her head. Behind her was another boy with blonde hair holding a gun.


"Will he be okay?" (Y/N) asks a dark haired female who was accompanying the boy from earlier who was now throwing up and crying.

"He'll be fine." She replies continuing to aid the boy. "Who are you, by the way?"

"(Y/N).. I kind of raised Levi."

"I see. I'm Mikasa and this is Armin."

"Was it like this for you?" Armin chokes out as tears ran down his face.

(Y/N) looks at the boy with sympathy as she tentatively places a hand on his back. "You had to do what you needed to survive, just think, if you hadn't of done what you did, you're friend wouldn't be here right now."


(Y/N), Mikasa, Armin, Levi as well as a few others, sat surrounding a fire as the lot discuss what happened earlier including how to get back 'Eren and Historia'.

(Y/N) sat quietly playing with her thumbs remembering what Kenny had said to her. What an ass. She gripped harshly at her clothes causing for Armin to ask about her.

"Are you alright?" He asks as (Y/N) breaks away from her thoughts and faces the blue-eyed boy.

"Yes I'm okay.." she assures Armin before turning to Levi. "Levi, can I speak to you?"

Levi sighs to himself before getting up from sitting on the crate. "You have two minutes."

(Y/N) and Levi step aside from the group as (Y/N) breathes in trying to gather what she wanted to say.

"Levi..I'm sorry." She begins as Levi's face remains stoic. "I should never of left you, I know I can't take it back now but I want to make it up to you. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me or if there's no way I can make it up to you...but I want to at least try."

Levi pauses taking in what the female said to him before turning away. "You can try, but it's not a promise that I forgive you."

"Thank you.."

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