XII. Happy Together

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IT FELT LIKE THE ONLY TIME Clara ever saw Marlene and Lily these days was in passing during breakfast or in the corridors between classes. Of course she and Marlene still had potions class together, but after Professor Slughorn split them up it really felt like she barely saw her. And yes, Lily and Clara were in the same house but it seemed like the redhead always had prefect duty on the evenings Clara was free. Maybe she was just being too clingy but she'd felt increasingly lonely this term.

Thankfully, the three of them had finally been able to set aside some time to study together in the library. Though admittedly, Marlene was doing more gossiping than studying. It didn't bother Clara though, because as much as Clara was worried about her finals next month, she really just wanted a chance to catch up with her friends – preferably somewhere where the elderly librarian wouldn't hush them every three seconds. But they had to go by Lily's wishes, who had only agreed to hang out on the condition that Clara would help her with a potions assignment that all three of them knew the redhead didn't really need any assistance with at all.

"So, have you told Fabian about your little crush yet?" Marlene whispered across the table at her, wiggling her brows.

"I knew it was a mistake telling you, you're the biggest blabbermouth I know." Clara groaned.

"Am not! I reckon I've kept nearly all of your secrets over the years."

"Nearly being the keyword there, Mar."

"Fine then, how about you Lily?" the blonde looked towards the younger girl with an innocent grin.

Lily looked up from her textbook with a confused frown, "What about me?"

"Decide to give James a chance yet? Sirius tells me he thinks you're close to breaking down and saying yes to a date."

"Absolutely not." she insisted, although the blush on her cheeks had not gone unnoticed to Clara and Marlene.

"Dating James couldn't possibly be that bad. Look at it this way, if you two get married you and Clara will be sisters." the blonde teased.

"You're doing an awful lot of matchmaking for someone who's single." Clara stepped in, mostly to prevent Lily from going through any more torment.

The jab didn't bother Marlene, rather her smile only grew, "Well that's simply because no one at Hogwarts is interesting."

"Oh, really?" Clara raised a brow.

The girls had had countless conversations about crushes and relationships over the years, so Clara knew that wasn't the truth. It had been nearly three years since Marlene had confided in Clara that she didn't find the boys at school attractive – not because they weren't interesting – but because she found herself drawn to the girls in their classes instead.

Over the years, some of their classmates had been able to figure it out – either by Marlene's rejections to numerous boys' advances or simply by hearsay. The blonde wasn't exactly secretive about the information, though she didn't shout it through the halls either. Still, Hogwarts wasn't exactly the easiest place for her to find a partner. Some students were rather judgmental, so if anyone else among their peers felt similarly to Marlene, no one had been brave enough to make it known.

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