XIV. You're So Vain

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IF THERE WAS ONE THING that Clara had been feeling quite cranky about on that mid-December evening, it was the fact that her entire house had planned a Christmas party of their own. The weekend before end-of-term exams, no less.

Somehow, the mysterious masterminds behind the festivities – aka, her younger brother and his friends – had managed to be much more tight lipped this time to prevent Professor McGonagall from finding out. This meant Clara also had no idea it was even happening until she returned from the greenhouses that Saturday, already in a sour mood – because Herbology was a subject invented solely to torment her.

Despite the party throwing a wrench in her entire evening, she decided she was better off closed away in her dorm anyway. Surrounded by books attempting to study, the muffled sound of some muggle rock band's music playing on the floor below rattled her jar of ink as the bass boomed through the floorboards.

As annoyed as she was, she had to wonder exactly how many silencing charms had to be done throughout Gryffindor tower to make sure no staff or prefects could hear the commotion from the corridor outside of the Fat Lady's portrait. If she knew her housemates well enough, she safely assumed that the thought of getting caught was cast aside once the party truly kicked off.

As the music continued to echo throughout the Gryffindor Tower, Clara considered going to Marlene's dorm instead. Ravenclaw wasn't known for their partying ways, unlike her house. And the password riddles weren't too difficult for her to figure out – despite the suspicious look the Eagle door knocker gave her every time she went to visit Marlene on her own.

Despite being a stickler for the rules, not being allowed in other houses' common rooms seemed so silly to Clara. From the beginning, she never followed that particular guideline.

However, what stopped Clara from venturing to Ravenclaw Tower was knowing that Marlene was most likely downstairs in the Gryffindor common room. Continuing to blur the lines between Clara and her brother's friends by hanging around Sirius.

As she attempted to focus on her Charms textbook, the sudden sound of a knock on her door nearly caused Clara to topple over her jar of burgundy ink all over the parchment she was taking notes on. With a groan, Clara scooted her chair away from the desk and padded across the room. Her dorm mates never bothered knocking before entering, so she doubted it was one of them. Then the sudden thought of it being a random couple looking for a private room to snog made Clara grimace.

When she finally turned the handle, she was met with the sight of her curly haired best friend who was wearing her signature red lipstick, as usual. The only new thing about her was the faded Led Zeppelin t-shirt that she was practically swimming in. It was clearly borrowed, or perhaps a stolen item from Sirius.

"Hey, Mar." Clara greeted with relief as she began to retreat to her desk.

Marlene skipped across the dorm and plopped down onto Clara's bed as her blonde curls splayed around her head like rays of sunshine. The girl already seemed quite giddy, having likely been more than a few butterbeers in by now.

"Fabian's looking for you." Marlene said with a hiccup.

"I'm not in the mood to go down there." Clara dismissed as she returned to her notes.

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