XIII. Sympathy for the Devil

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WHILE THE FIRE ROARED in the Gryffindor Common Room, Clara had her head resting on Fabian's shoulder as she read through one of the many medical books she had borrowed from Madam Pomfrey at the beginning of term. As she skimmed through pages of research about Mumblemumps, she listened to the steady breaths coming from the boy beside her as he slowly dozed off.

Clara never thought she'd be one for public displays of affection but Fabian smelled like cinnamon and honey and his arm that wrapped lazily around her waist made her feel safe from any harm. Not that any harm would come to her within the walls of this castle – that wasn't the point. War was brewing out in the real world, a world Clara did her best to avoid thinking about whenever she wasn't reading The Daily Prophet religiously over breakfast.

Morbidly skimming over the names of muggles who'd been murdered over pieces of toast was a horrible habit she had that Fabian had been keen to break. Still, a war would never come to this castle, she was quite confident of that. It was like living in a different world, one untouched by tragedy and death. She was safe within Hogwarts and safe within Fabian's arms.

The sudden sound of the portrait hole closing as a student left the room roused Fabian who blinked a few times to gather his bearings. When his eyes fell on the girl beside him, he placed a soft kiss to the top of her head.

Clara closed her book and smiled up at him, "Good morning or should I say evening? It's almost dinner, you know."

With a sleepy grin on his face Fabian asked, "Think they'll have shepherd's pie tonight?"

"I'm pretty sure that shepherd's pie is an option every night." she laughed.

Clara rose and held her hand out to him to pull him up off the plus maroon sofa they'd been lounging on. Reluctantly, he took her hand and stood beside her, towering over her small frame. As hungry as Fabian was, he'd have much rather sat in the common room for the rest of the evening with Clara peacefully reading beside him.

But still, the boy had to eat. Seventeen year olds are bottomless pits, or at least that's what his mother would say to him and Gideon every evening. So, the couple exited the portrait hole and made their way down the moving staircases towards the Great Hall with Clara still clutching tightly to her medical textbook. What's wrong with a bit of light reading about the painful pustules caused by a Spattergroit infection over a plate of bangers and mash?

As had become habit over the last few weeks, Fabian had his arm draped casually over Clara's shoulder for the entire journey down from Gryffindor Tower, "Any exciting weekend plans?" he asked.

Clara let out a slightly exasperated sigh, "No, not really. Slughorn's Christmas party is this Friday."

"Not excited to schmooze with Sluggy and his other star pupils?" he asked with an amused grin.

"I just don't know why he's having it so early in the month, it's not exactly how I wanted to spend the night after my eighteenth birthday." she grumbled.

Fabian stopped in his tracks, causing Clara to nearly trip down a step, "Your birthday's on Thursday? Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugged slightly, "It never came up."

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