XVIII. Dazed and Confused

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EVER SINCE VALENTINE'S DAY, Clara had been doing her best to avoid the confusing feelings that had been lingering in her mind and the boy who was the source of all of them. Ignoring how she felt wasn't an easy feat, considering the fact that she and Sirius were in the same house and he always seemed to be wherever she was. That, or she was just taking notice of his presence more than she used to.

Her only solace came from when she would spend her afternoons holed up in a corner of the library, attempting to memorise her potions textbook front to back. Clara eventually came to enjoy the solitude but Lily had been adamant in joining her that afternoon. At first she didn't mind the company, but soon enough, her brother and his band of fellow misfits began seeking out the redhead. Clara should have seen it coming from a mile away, as it meant Sirius would find her as well.

It was much easier for Clara to ignore the soft spot she had for Sirius when she didn't have to look him in the eyes. But avoiding his gaze didn't prevent his voice from seeping through her ears and feeling like warm honey as it surrounded her heart.

She couldn't even bring herself to defend Lily from Sirius' incessant teasing about James. In all honesty, she wasn't even listening to the words leaving his lips, just focusing on the feeling she got when she heard him speak. The library suddenly wasn't a safe haven anymore.

Once she awoke from her day dream, she quickly snapped her textbook shut and left the library without another word to anyone, not even Lily. No matter how hard she tried to ignore him, she simply couldn't. It was simply much easier to leave the situation than put herself through the torment.

Part of her wanted to confide in her diary, to hectically scrawl down all of her feelings and then tear out the pages and discard them with a quick casting of Incendio to insure no one ever found it. But it was no use, she knew venting her feelings would make them feel that much more real. As if the moment the ink bled into the parchment, she'd never be able to take it back or deny the truth. Bottling it up until the fleeting moment passed was her safest bet, so that's what she did.

On that early March afternoon, she instead found a new spot in the castle to study in. In a secluded corner where she was quite confident that no one she knew would find her. Not Lily, not James, and definitely not Sirius.

It was a quiet corridor in the dungeons, close to Professor Slughorn's office. Her red tie stood out like a blemish thanks to the green flames flickering from the candle sconces against stone walls around her. But, unlike her brother, she hadn't made any real enemies with anyone in Slytherin. So they mostly ignored her presence beyond the occasional passing glance. Still, it was wishful thinking to believe she'd find peace in a part of the castle she clearly didn't belong in.

"Wolfsbane? That's quite interesting."

A droning voice slithered into her ears and sent an uneasy feeling through her body. When she glanced up from the pages, she was met with the dark, apathetic eyes of Severus Snape peering back at her.

"What makes it interesting? Surely you of all people know it's part of the N.E.W.T. level curriculum." she challenged.

"Oh, I know." he replied flatly, "I just wonder if that potion might be of special use to you or someone you know."

Clara's brows knit into a confused frown at the boy whose typically aloof expression twisted into a smug grin.

"Don't you have anyone else to bother today, Snivellus?"

Trouble. Clara recognized that voice from the very first word that left his lips and she couldn't help but feel relieved that despite her specifically avoiding him, Sirius had somehow found her after all. He sauntered up with his hands buried deep in the pockets of his wrinkled trousers and frowned prominently at the Slytherin boy. Why he was in the dungeons in the first place wasn't important to her at the moment, she could ask him about that later. However, Severus' amusement only seemed to grow at Sirius' sudden arrival.

Written in the Stars | Sirius Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن