X. Hooked On A Feeling

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N O V E M B E R   1 9 7 6


AS FAR AS CLARA was concerned, Herbology was by far the worst class offered at Hogwarts. Though that may not be objectively true, the girl was convinced she had a mysterious curse that caused her to kill anything grown inside those specific greenhouses on the castle grounds. If high marks in Herbology weren't required for the career she'd chosen, she wouldn't even willingly be enrolled in the class.

But alas, she found herself spending an otherwise lovely Saturday making her way to said greenhouses to work on some extra credit. Even though she had somehow managed to get an acceptable mark on her first big assignment of the term, Professor Sprout still expected more from her. Though she was a young and relatively new teacher at the school, the plump and cheerful woman had a strong work ethic that she ideally wanted to be reflected on all her students.

Despite her disdain for the course, she'd rather spend her weekend inside the humid greenhouses rather than her own common room. Apparently Professor McGonagall had caught wind of an alleged Halloween party that Gryffindor was planning to hold. It took no time at all for their Head of House quickly put an end to those plans. However, for some reason, Clara's brother and his friends had convinced themselves that she was the informant even though that was not the case at all, thank you very much. Just because she didn't want to attend didn't mean Clara was automatically going to report it to McGonagall.

The ensuing argument between the Potter siblings did not earn her any favours with the rest of Marauders, so she vowed to keep her distance from Gryffindor tower until things died down.

On any other day, she'd normally be joined by Lily or Marlene. But the young redhead was off somewhere else, likely studying in the library or attending to her prefect duties, while Marlene had – according to James – begun spending more time with Sirius again. It was all in the name of improving her Transfiguration grades this term, apparently. But Clara couldn't even imagine what Sirius could possibly teach Marlene that she didn't already know. The girl practically had a photographic memory, she need only open any given book in the library and absorb the information with minimal effort.

Clara's hazel eyes were shining a bit more green these days as a twinge of jealousy entered her mind when she thought of them spending time together. Though she couldn't place whether it was for her envy of the girl's natural intelligence or the fact that the person she liked least in the entire world had been taking up far too much of her best friend's time.

It couldn't be anything more than she simply missed Marlene, that's all.

A sigh fell from her lips as she pushed her way through the crowd of students walking the opposite direction of her. Having just reached the main staircase of the Entrance Hall, she heard a pair of footsteps growing louder behind her. As if by magic, a tall set of twins quickly caught up with her. Their large strides made it quite easy for them to fall in step with the much shorter girl.

"Where're you off to, Potter?" Gideon asked as the twins walked on either side of her.

Suddenly feeling caged in by their stature, she clutched her book tighter and frowned, "What does it matter to you two?"

"Oi, no need to be so snippy, we thought you could use some company." Fabian spoke up from her right.

"Why would you think that?"

"Well you're off with McCurly all the time," Fabian mused, "I thought you'd get bored of her and all the rest of those dull Ravenclaws."

"McCurly?" Clara replied with a snort, "Merlin, you're awful at nicknames."

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