11. Dutch Grand Prix, Thursday

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It was Thursday meaning media day and track walk, fans can meet drivers and drivers walk the track to understand the turns and what gears to be in. I am not a fan of waking up in the morning
I was so tired, I put on my uniform, a pair of sunglasses and headed downstairs, I saw Lando and Charlotte eating their breakfast, I grabbed a cappuccino and sat with them. "Nice of you to join us." Lando said laughing, whilst I was still half asleep.

"What's with the sunglasses." Charlotte asked.
"The sunlight is burning my eyes." I said grumbling.
"But we're inside." Lando said.
"It's still too bright and I'm so tired, I never normally wake up at 8am every morning."
"Well you'll have to get used to it." Charlotte said. I sat and sipped on my cappuccino whilst Charlotte and Lando ate, I wasn't hungry so I skipped breakfast. Charlotte gave me the all access pass to the track which drivers and crew members use to get in and out of the paddock.

Once they finished we headed to the car where a bunch of girls, the same as yesterday but more stood waiting with their phones out recording. "You don't have time to take photos today, we already late for track walk." Charlotte said to Lando, he nodded. All three of us rushed to the car whilst a bunch of girls followed with their phones out, whilst running Lando explained he didn't have enough time. We jumped in the car, whilst a bunch of horny teenage girls surround the car, he gestured his hand for them to move out the way, as they did Lando aggressively drove off. I sat in the back of the car whilst Charlotte was in the front explaining to Lando what he needs to do this weekend, he was a good listener.

As we arrived we got out of the car a man was outside the car taking photos of us. "Hey Lando!" The man said. "Hey Kym!" Lando replied. "That's Kym Illman, he takes the photos he's a nice guy." Lando told me. "This is Y/n the new apprentice for McLaren." Lando told Kym.
"Hello y/n, you don't mind if I take photos do you? I post them if you don't want me too I don't have too." He said.
"No I don't mind." I said with a smile.
"Great." He said.

We walked to the entrance where I scanned the all access pass which allowed me through. We first headed to the motorhome where we put our bags down and headed to the track. As we headed to the track Lando was giving me a small tour of inside the pits and the dos and dont's. About 4 other people joined us on the track, I didn't say much as Lando was getting advice on the gears he should be in, speed, how he needs to turn in corners, we were out there for a good hour once we got back to where we started everyone headed back to the pit area. "Hey instead of going back wanna walk around it again just me and you?" Lando asked.
"Sure." I said with a smile. As we walked around we messed about, I kept messing Lando's hair up whilst he pushed me, we laughed and chatted. As we got to turn 1 Lando asked "So what do I need to do here?"
"Turn? Do I look like a Formula One driver to you?" I said. He gazed up and down my body giving me butterflies. "You could be." He said laughing. "Come on tell me about your Motorsport experience."
"Well it's not much compared to yours but I got in a kart for the first time when I was six, I could barely reach the pedals leading me to crash, it wasn't bad though, I waited a year and could finally reach the pedals, I loved it but I haven't done it since. Now Mr Norris tell me your story."
"Wait if you loved it why didn't you carry on?" Lando asked.
"Because mum believed karting was for men and only men could be successful in Motorsport so I didn't do it."
"You could've proved her wrong." He said.
"Yeah well my mum likes being right, anyway enough about me more about you."
"Ok well I started karting properly at about the age of 9, worked my way up and now I'm here." He said. "That wasn't a lot but a short story is better than nothing." I laughed.

We continued to walk, then out of nowhere Lando taps me "Tag" and starts to run off.
"Hey I wasn't ready there was no warning!" I shouted and laughed.
"Catch me if you can." He shouted and I started to chase him down the track. Eventually I caught up to him and tagged him, he then sprinted after me and tagged me we were one on one tagging each other. We messed around play fighting and fell to the ground laughing. "Is it just me or is Lando Norris in love?" A unfamiliar voice spoke as we were lying on the ground. I looked up to see F1 driver George Russell looking down at us giving Lando a wink. "Haha shut up George, we work together." Lando replied getting up, he offered his hand and helped me up.
"Well hello there I'm George." George said with a mischievous voice.
"Hey I'm y/n." I said, George took my hand and kissed it. I looked over a Lando to see jealousy written all over his face. Why did he look jealous? "Mate what are you doing you never kiss girls on the hand." Lando said.
"I do, only with pretty girls." George said winking at me.
"Right well y/n and I really have to finish this track walk." Lando said.
"Ok well you know where I am y/n if you need me, bye." George winks and waves whilst Lando and I walk away, I wave goodbye and continue to walk.

We chatted some more whilst finishing the rest of the circuit but something seemed to bother Lando. I asked and he replied with "Nothing." Meaning there's something but he doesn't want to tell me.

We headed back to the pits, Jon looked angry "Where did you go?" Jon asked Lando.
"Y/n and I walked the track once more." Lando replied.
"Ok well you know you can't just wonder off, that goes for both of you." Jon looks at us. We head to the motorhome where we sat down and grabbed lunch, a salad and chicken wrap, it was really good. After that Lando went off with Jon and some other pit crew members to talk about the car, Charlotte gave me the entire tour of the paddock.

It was now time for the press conference where drivers talk about their ideas and strategies for the weekend without revealing too much. We headed into the conference room where there were two chairs and a camera. Charlotte and I stood whilst Lando talked about how he feels strong about the weekend coming up.

Once the press conference finished we headed out of the paddock to the car park. We got back to the hotel just to see the same girls waiting Lando signed two or three shirts before heading inside. We got dinner straight away before heading to bed.

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