55. Abu Dhabi

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George and I shared a hotel room and we were getting used to each others company so much. Zak told me that I can go to all the races next season and work as an assistant for Lando, which I accepted, this meant I would see George more and do what I love. 

Abu Dhabi was gorgeous, everything looked so perfect. Charlotte sent me a list of things I need to prepare for, when I become Lando's assistant next season. I walked into the McLaren motorhome and walked into Lando's room, he was on the massage bed and Jon was doing his physio. "Hey Y/n! Congrats on becoming Lando's new assistant from next season!" Jon said.
"Thank you." I smiled. 
"How's my house?" Lando asked.
"Fine, It's big though. So I feel like I'm not alone." 
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Lando asked.
"Both." I laughed. I left Lando and Jon and watched the pit crew do practice pit stops. 

"He must really like you?" Jon chuckled.
"What?" I asked confused still watching the pit crew.
"George, he can stop staring at you." Jon pointed to the next garage along, the Mercedes garage where my eyes met with those innocent green-blueish eyes, he gaze softened like he was happy I was looking at him. "Not like. Love." I gulped.
"Woah, he said it?" Jon asked, I nodded. "Did you-"
"Nope." I quickly replied.
"Oh ok. Is he ok with it?" Jon asked.
"Yeah he knows I'm not ready to say it back." 
"Hmm." Jon said.
"Nothing." Jon said quickly.
"No now you have to tell me." I demanded.
"Maybe you're not saying it because of La-"
"No no no, that is not the reason. I just want us to take things slow." I interrupted.
"Ok." He said, I could tell by Jon's tone he didn't believe me but I don't care because the truth is I just want to take things slow. Plus, I haven't seen Lando in forever and my feelings kind of drifted into the distance. 


The final race of the season just finished, Lando got second and George 3rd, I was so proud of them. "Hey there's a private club nearby, once everyone's done there press conferences we're all going to it, are you going to come?" George asked. Even though I was now 18, I still had no interest in drinking or alcohol but this season had been great, so I agreed. 

We got a taxi to the private club, lots of F1 teams were there dancing and drinking their hearts out. George went off to see Alex and Lando, whilst I went upstairs and looked down on everyone. No one was up here except me. I watched Lando dance whilst being drunk and then Lilli appeared. I was hoping they would end things, but no, they didn't. He grabbed her hips and brought her close to him, I wasn't looking at anyone except them. The truth was I was jealous. Jealous of Lilli. She had the guy I wanted, she had the money to have him, she had the looks, whilst all I was to him was his soon to be assistant. I care about George, I do but I don't love him. I feel like Otis from Sex Education, I had the perfect person standing in front of me who loved me, ok maybe Ruby wasn't entirely perfect but she did love Otis. But I want the not so perfect person, he was immature, in the best way, had this amazing smile, but he didn't want me. Lando didn't want me. A tear left my eye, I suddenly jumped at George's presence he stood next to me. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said trying to hold back the tears. Something fell from George's face, realisation. He was putting the missing pieces of the puzzle together. 
"It's him isn't it." George had heartbreak written through his voice. I shook my head and lied. "Don't lie to me Y/n." He slightly shouted. "I first saw the note he wrote you when he gave you his house. 'Sorry about what happened' So what did happen, did you two kiss? What happened." Anger laced in his tone.
"We didn't kiss." I cried. "We had an argument." 
"About what?"
"You and I." I cried more. 
"I think you're lying, I saw the other note he gave you for your birthday, I watched you crumple it up and throw it in the bin, so I took it out and saw it said 'all yours'. Then you won't tell me you love me." He began to cry. 
"George please can we talk about this outside, I promise I will tell you everything." I cried.
"Your promises currently mean nothing to me but fine." We walked outside tears dripping from both our faces. 
"I never cheated on you. The argument was because he didn't want you and I to date and I don't know why he put all yours on the note." I said.
"Ok then why can't you tell me you love me!" He cried shouting.
"Because I don't. I really like you George but I'm so scared that if things between us move to fast I'll lose you." I said.
"You won't lose me. But it's not me you love it's him isn't it?" He shouted more.
"YES." It slipped. George looked at me in disbelief. I gasped and held my hand over my mouth, what had I just said. Streams of tears ran from both our faces. The door from the club opened, "Is everything ok? I heard shouting." Lando said. George just looked at me with anger and distraught. He turned to Lando "Well you got what you want. She's yours." He looked back to me. "We're done." He cried and walked away. I looked at Lando who looked at me sympathetically, I was sad and confused. I turned to walk away "Y/n wait." Lando said following me.  

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