31. The next three months...

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I spent the whole of new years crying my eyes out, Molly came to see me to make sure I was ok but I just broke down in front of her. I lost him, the boy I cared about, the boy who made me feel welcome, the boy who taught me love. Yes. Love. Molly told me Lando hadn't left his room all day and she hadn't heard a peep from him. "You'll still see him." Molly said attempting to comfort me. "It won't be the same." I sniffled. Molly stayed with me for a few hours before going back to Lando's to spend her last full day with Max. I spent the rest of the day with Olivia Rodrigo on repeat. 

Suddenly there was a massive knock at the door, I got up and opened the door, Molly stood with a massive smile on her face holding a golf club. "Come on, we're going golfing. As much as I love listening to Olivia on repeat, I hate hearing you cry." She said. She wondered in and headed to my room, I fell face front onto the bed. She rummaged through my wardrobe and picked out some golf clothes. "Go on get changed, I'll wait downstairs." She said leaving me on my own. I cried like a baby getting changed into the clothes she picked out. 

After getting changed I went downstairs and saw Max's car, I didn't realise he'd be joining us. I got in the car they both turned to give me a sympathetic smile to which I gave a small smile in return. The whole car ride was Molly and Max talking about anything that didn't include anything to do with Lando, the less they talked about him the worse I felt. As we arrived at the golf course all my memories of our last time here flooded through my brain faster than light, making my eyes water, I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. I held the tears in, following closely behind Max and Molly. We played for a couple hours, I stayed quiet the entire time barely saying anything before heading back home, Max dropped me off. "Hey Max can take me home tomorrow if it makes it easier?" Molly said.
"No it's fine I'll take you home." I said. 
"You sure?" She asked, I nodded and smiled. She hugged me goodbye and left. 

Molly's POV
"She's not good." I said worried.
"Yeah, I really thought golf would help, I guess not. Lando's just as bad, not leaving his room, not eating. Why the fuck would they just basically end their friendship?" 
"They haven't ended it, they are still friends just keeping a distance and they're doing it for each other." I said.

Y/n's POV
I took Molly home the day after our little quiet golf session, she brought me doughnuts for taking her home and to make me feel better which it did only a little bit. I saw my parents for a few hours, I managed to hide the bags under my eyes before driving back to Woking. From January through to March, I practically avoided Lando, I dropped his meals off by parking my car down the road putting the labelled box on his doorstep ringing the doorbell then sprinting back to my car and driving off or I simply messaged Max asking him when Lando went out and then dropping it off. Luckily, I wasn't need in the MTC when Lando was there but I did have to go to help Charlotte, she taught me everything about setting up press conferences, what I would need to do to be a PR manager. 

"Hey I hope you don't mind me asking but has something happened between you and Lando?" Charlotte asked. "Uh no why?"
"Because whenever your name is brought up in a conversation he changes the subject."
"He's probably fed up with me, I am his assistant after all." I laughed nervously. Anyway next week would be the first time I would've seen Lando in three months and I was pretty nervous, we would be heading to Barcelona for pre season testing and there was no way of getting me out of it. "So do I have to go to pre season testing or is it optional?" I asked Charlotte.
"Everyone has to go, to make sure everything is working with the car. I thought you'd really want to go to pre season testing you seemed really excited when you found out." Charlotte replied.
"Well I was, it's just I don't want to get in the way, there's really no need for me to be there." I replied. "You won't get in the way it's important that you learn everything even at pre season testing not just at grand prix's." Charlotte said, Jon walked in. 
"Hello ladies, what are you two chatting about?" He asked.
"Well y/n doesn't want to go to pre season testing, she thinks she'll get in the way." 
"No you won't it will be good experience for you." Jon said.
"Exactly what I said." Charlotte said.
"Ok, I will come." Not like I have a choice. 
"That's good to hear, I quickly need to grab some paper from downstairs." Charlotte said leaving the room. Jon watched her leave the room before saying "I know what's been going on between you and Lando." I gulped and looked up to him. "Lando hasn't been himself recently so I asked him and he told me everything. I knew something was going on between you two but I wasn't sure if anything had actually happened and well Lando clarified that something did happen. But enough about Lando, Y/n are you ok? I can tell you really care about him."
"I'm ok, I'm just trying to move on." I replied quietly.
"Can I give you some advice?" I nodded. "I may not be a relationship expert but I'm going to try and help you. Getting over someone is different to moving on. Getting over someone means you no longer feel the same things you used to feel for that person. Moving on means continuing you life without that person in it but you still care about that person. You and Lando may not be as close as you were before but the friendship you built together was strong and true." Jon said and well he should be an expert. "When you say Lando told you everything does that mean he told you about the-"
"The kiss?" Jon asked, I nodded. "Yep, Lando told me what happened new years, I've known Lando for more than 3 years he trusts me like he trusts you." Jon smiled. "When Charlotte comes back don't mention this to her, no one else needs to know." Jon said, I nodded in agreement. 

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