Filler Chapter #3: Tea Battle

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"Is that what happened while I was away?" Sunako asked the violet-haired woman sitting beside her who laughed before munching on Dango as she told the ever-smiling teen about a spy who snuck into Konohagakure that she tortured.

After Sasuke's defection and Naruto's departure from the village to train with one of the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya, Sunako has been awfully busy. As a member of the Anbu Black Ops,  she would be out of the village for long periods of time, depending on the missions given specifically. The raven-haired teen would also help overlook Sakura's medical training due to her medical and pharmaceutical background and experiences, sharing the pink-haired girl her knowledge of poisons and herbs that can be used to counteract poisons, as well as creating medicines and some techniques. The remaining time she spent was training, reading, or even cleaning the house up for a bit.

As of now, the raven-haired teen has just got back from a long mission and has already given her report to Tsunade. After which, Sunako met up with her friend, Anko, much to the teen's pleasure, and the two stopped by the Dango shop to eat. There, Anko told her what she's been doing while Sunako listened with an ever-present smile on her face.

"You know, it would've been better if you were there, though." Anko pouted, putting the empty stick of Dango down along with the other sticks.

"That's a shame."

"Right? With the two of us, it would've been a cinch!"

Sunako merely smiled at her. Anko would drag her into the interrogation unit and at times she has the opportunity to interrogate some people. With her and Anko together, these spies would scream and tremble at their feet, completely traumatized at that point.

Just as they were about to continue their conversation, Sunako could've sworn she heard footsteps at a rapid pace as she and Anko turn to look to see smokes of dust coming in the distance in their direction. They squinted their eyes to see who it was, only to find Might Guy as he yelled at the top of his lungs.


Both Anko and Sunako blinked several times and sweatdropped, a feeling in her gut that told her that something stupid is going to happen as Guy immediately halted in front of them. "Yo, Anko! No time to talk! Mind if I borrow Sunako from you? Thanks!"

Before both females get to say anything, Guy then grabbed the petite teenage girl and drags her away from a befuddled Anko, leaving a trail of dust behind as he sprinted.

After what seemed like a long morning of training, some of the members of the Special Operation Squad now sat around the table for lunch. Sunako sat silently, drinking her usual cup of green tea as she listened to her friends' conversation, joining in from time to time. From the other side of the was Levi. His hand holding the rim of the cup as he drinks his cup of black tea.

The people who are missing from the table were their younger members, Petra and Oruo. The two seemed to have gone off somewhere, where it is, she surprisingly does not know. If anything, she's concern for the two. If they're not back to headquarters after lunch was over, she highly doubts that there'll be leftovers for the both of them.

"Petra and Oruo aren't back yet and lunch is gonna be over soon." Eld pointed out, glancing at the empty seats.

"Yeah, I wonder what's taking them so long." Gunther said. Concern laced into his voice, glancing at the empty seats. Both the captain and his second-in-command stayed silent, although Sunako was getting rather worried for the two. Just where could they have gone off to?

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