Chapter 4

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"Salute!" The cadets put their fist on to their chest in salutation to their superior. It was the morning after their graduation ceremony. The 101st Cadets spend their last night at their training camp before heading off to their respective regiments. For Sunako, Gunther, Eld, and seven other cadets, they went to the Scout Regiment HQ early morning by carriage.

The headquarters consists of 3 main buildings. One for the higher-ups, one for the storage which doubled as stables, and one for the girl's and boy's dormitory on separate floors. Their team leader, Finn Glöckner, gave them a tour of the three buildings and stopped when they're in the dormitories.

Sunako settled in the girl's dormitory, separating from Eld and Gunther who settled in the boy's dormitory. The room consisted of four bunk beds, a nightstand, and a large closet. Seeing that she's the only female that joined the Scouts, she got the whole room to herself. Before leaving her room, she set up a Genjutsu trap if ever an unwanted person came into her room, they would immediately be caught in her trap. She will only dispel her Genjutsu when she's nearby or in her room. Was she being cautious? Yes, she is. Her Shinobi instincts were already imbedded into her like glue.

Other than the three main buildings, it had a rather large terrain that consisted of a large training field and forest with multiple Titan-killing courses that they would practice in. As of now, the rookies would spend most of their time learning the formation instead of training, hence the isolation from the rest of the scouts. Sunako sat at the last row by the window with Eld and Gunther. She doesn't mind, if anything she already studied the formation beforehand.

During the discussion, Sunako finds herself staring outside of the window as butterflies flutter around. In the middle of the discussion, Finn spotted Sunako seemingly not paying attention to the formation before them and was instead staring out the window.

"Cadet Uchiha." Finn called out as every Cadet turned to look at the only girl who joined. The raven-haired girl in question averts her attention from the window to look at their team leader with an ever-present calm smile of hers.

"Sir." She said. Standing up and saluting to her superior with a smile on her face.

"Since you find outside more interesting, tell me, what section encounters the most titans?" Finn questioned, testing her to see if she really is a genius as they say. Sunako knows he was challenging her and she will no doubt up to the challenge.

"Forward Scouts sir, since Presumably, they should be the most reliable soldiers, they usually spread out along the front rank of the entire formation. Hence, they are the members of the Legion who come into contact with the Titans more frequently, alerting the rest of the formation to the presence of Titans using red smoke rounds. Also, Occupying the farthest left and right positions in the formations, the forward Scouts are also known as the left and right spotters." She answered, explaining the Forward Scouts purpose.

"The formation has drastically increased the Scout Regiment's survival rate outside the Walls. However -" Finn was then interrupted when Sunako cut him off.

"it can be rendered ineffective by bad weather, especially when raining, flares will become useless. This, combined with the drop in visibility from said rain or fog will reduce the ability of the formation to remain in communication and spot Titans." Finn stared at her for a minute before returning back to the discussion.

"In rare cases, when the scout regiment does require a Titan for experimentation purposes the -" Finn was then cut off again by the petite, raven-haired girl.

"The scout Regiment ambush Procedure should be done. firstly, by luring the target into an area where the Scout Regiment forces have the maximum advantage. Secondly, incapacitating the target with the special target restraining weapon. Thirdly, Using ODM gear, soldiers surround the target area and prevent escape. Fourthly, If the target breaks free soldiers will have to surround the target area and prevent escape."

Humanity's ButterflyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora