Chapter 2

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Sunrises in Shiganshina was always bright and warm. The air was crisp, refreshing even, whether the people kept their district clean or because they were close to Wall Maria that the freshness of the outside seeped in. Allowing for a taste of the wilderness without ever leaving the safety of the walls.

It was during these mornings that Sunako found the time to maintain her training which extended to Eren, Mikasa, and their blonde friend Armin. She kept it a secret for the most part but Eren decided to follow her one morning along with Mikasa. From there, their perspective of her change when they saw how she threw her kunais and shurikens with precision and deadly accuracy, how she moves gracefully and swiftly, as well as her unique style of fighting.

She knew they were watching her and confronted them about it with her usual smile on her face. Eren was in awe at her capabilities and jumped at the opportunity for her to teach him, claiming that he would need it once he enlisted for the army. Sunako was skeptical at this but nevertheless agreed, knowing Mikasa she joined in as well. Sunako taught them a different fighting style that is easy for them to copy and use compared to hers. Hers is more based on attacking the human body's pressure points together with her speed.

Convincing Carla, Eren's mother, had been a grueling task indeed. It took a lot of convincing from Eren until she lets him. Now, in their practice field, a kunai was thrown towards the red center of the target. Whilst waiting for Sunako to arrive, Eren and Mikasa were practicing their kunai throwing. Suffice to say, Mikasa had 5 of her kunai on the center of the target while Eren had 2 on the center while the rest is on the white. Sunako gave them kunais that is only used for practice.

Eren smiled happily that he landed 2 of his kunai when a gentle voice came in, "Ara ara, it seems both of you have been practicing while I was gone." Both Eren and Mikasa looked behind to see Sunako with her usual smile on her face.

"Good morning, Sunako." Mikasa greeted.

"Good morning, Mikasa, Eren." Sunako greeted back.

"Did you see that Sunako? 2 of my kunai hit the center!" Eren said, proud that he was able to land at least 2 of his kunai hit the center. Mikasa silently stood next to him as he boasts while the raven-haired woman listened attentively. Sunako became used to Mikasa's absentmindedness, just as the younger girl was used to Sunako's smile and demeanor. But internally she was worried, she wanted to know what she thought about in these moments. Then again, she would sound like a hypocrite since she kept most of her thoughts to herself so she decided against it.

"Yes, yes, I saw. You improved Eren. You too, Mikasa, I'm very impressed." Sunako said and patted both of their heads. Eren looked annoyed but let her pat his head anyway. While Mikasa relished her head pats.

"All right, then how about this?" Sunako said. She threw four of her kunai together, landing near the center. Another four was thrown near the center, and finally, she threw two of her kunai and landed towards the center. One kunai was hanging on the other kunai that embedded on the target.

"How did you do that?" Eren asked while looking at the target amazed. Sunako had to suppress a chuckle.

"If you keep going at it, then both of you will start throwing like that." Sunako said. She looked around finding one person missing. "Anyway, where's Armin?" She asked. Eren talked about him during their stay and she first met their blonde friend when Eren got himself into one of his fights and practically made him join their training sessions. She observed that Armin wasn't much of a fighter compared to Eren and Mikasa, But he compensates it for his intelligence and analytical skills which impressed her. This was proven in one of their training when he came up with a strategy to beat her, it almost caught her but she was able to see through their plan. If anything, if he had enough experience then he could be a very good tactician. Thinking about this reminded her of the Nara clan. Despite their lazy persona, they are highly intelligent and were known for their shadow manipulation as well as being a tactician and strategist. She only knew two of their members who displayed this, Shikaku Nara and his son Shikamaru.

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