Filler Chapter: Visiting the 104th Cadets

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"Sunako Uchiha, Commander Erwin wanted to speak with you." Both Sunako and Levi halted their attacks, with Sunako about to aim a pressure point at Levi's abdomen while Levi had his hand gripped at the back of her clothing and was about to kick her. They were in the middle of their usual sparring when Nifa interrupted them just in time.

"Can that f****** wait? We're in the middle of training." Levi said with a scowl on his face, clearly irritated. Sunako can understand that, in a way, she's kind of annoyed as well even though she still has her usual smile. Interrupting someone's training, especially when it's an Uchiha is a big no-no.

"The commander said it's urgent." Nifa insisted. Levi clicked his tongue before releasing the petite girl, who in turn retracted her fingers, as they went into their relaxed form. "Ara ara, you're scowling face and choice of words are why nobody likes you." Sunako teased, even though she, herself, knew that it's not somewhat true.

"Tch. We'll continue this later, brat." He said before turning his heel and left as Sunako watched him before turning to Nifa.

Nifa looked between the both of them before leading Sunako to Erwin's office. Unbeknownst to them, Levi subtly glanced back at Sunako's retreating figure before clicking his tongue once again and turn back towards the rest of his squad.

Once they're in front of the commander's door, Sunako thanked Nifa as the short, cherry brown-haired girl left. Sunako lifted her hand and knock on the commander's door, opening it once she heard the commander's strong voice permitting her to come in. She gave her commander a salute as per protocol before he waved her off.

"I apologize for interrupting your training, I assume Levi didn't take kindly when I wanted to speak with you." Erwin said as if he was able to sense their annoyance even from his office.

"It's fine. You're right about him though, he was glaring at Nifa for cutting in on our spar. At this rate, he would gain another person who dislikes him if he keeps that up." Sunako said a hint of mirth flashed in her onyx eyes whilst smiling. It's amusing for her to see Levi so aggravated when he was just about to land a hit on her only to stop when she was being called.

Erwin let out an amused smirk, poor Nifa must've been so nervous when the captain glared at her. Erwin has grown accustomed to Sunako teasing Levi, especially when Hange joined her. Levi would at times brought up how a certain petite, raven-haired girl annoyed him so much that no matter how many times he made her clean, she would never stop. It amused him how she managed to spike his tea without Levi ever knowing and how she was never afraid to point out why nobody liked him.

However, Erwin knew that Sunako is quite a menace in battle. With her sharp hearing and quick reflexes, she can take down several Titans in just a few seconds without being touched by any of them so far. In a way, they have gained another person for humanity's last hope. You could guess that 'Humanity's Butterfly' does suit her.

Erwin is not ignorant. He knows that Sunako is a very attractive girl due to her easygoing demeanor and gentle exterior, any man would want to marry her. Hell, Hange even tried and failed to grab a sample to study her almost perfect genes. However, he also knows and can foretell that Sunako is also a capable soldier and a dangerous individual, despite her sweet disposition.

"Anyways, Nifa told me you wanted to talk with me. I do hope that it is urgent as you've said." Sunako said in a sweet tone while smiling very sweetly at him. Erwin finds this sight quite unsettling, he can tell of her displeasure just by her sentence alone as he managed to hide it.

"There is." Erwin grabbed something from his drawer and slide it towards her, revealing to be a letter. With a raised brow, Sunako approached Erwin's desk and grabbed the letter. "I need you to deliver this confidential letter to Keith Sadies. You should know him, he was your commandant when you were a Cadet." He said.

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