Chapter 19

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Sunako silently let out a sigh as she checked and write through her paperwork in the medical bay. Early in the morning, Sunako was finally released from Levi's room when her wards got the key from Moblit and unlocked the door. Armin apologized profusely, telling his elder sister that he didn't know about Hange's plan in trapping them to which the petite woman assured the poor boy.

Fortunately for Hange, they were assured by Erwin that he had reprimanded Hange and warned her that this should not happen again, but it did little to dissuade their displeasure. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for an urgent meeting, Sunako was sure that Levi would've gone on a rampage in the headquarters for the maniacal woman.

The events from last night were still fresh in her mind that she rather not delve into it too much, otherwise she wouldn't focus much on her work or her subordinates would question why her face looks so red.

Prior to being freed, they had a little... situation after she and Levi finished their own work since he wasn't expecting the petite woman to be trapped inside his room. Not wanting the situation to be uncomfortable, Sunako offered to sleep on the floor while he sleep on his bed. However, Levi seemed to think otherwise and suggested to sleep in the same bed. This made her feel a bit flustered but in the end, the two ended up sleeping in the same bed.

The petite, raven-haired woman halted from writing before covering her face with her hands, sinking into dismay. Just by thinking about it, she was bewildered that Levi would even suggest nor permitted such a thing! Sunako quickly took a deep breath to calm herself from her emotions threatening to burst after all those years of having emotional control in Anbu. What happened last night was unprecedented and not what she expected herself.

Fortunately, her wards are thoughtful enough to not question the position they were in. That would be the last thing she needed since even she wasn't capable of answering just yet.

'Get a grip over yourself, Sunako.' A voice in her head, reminding her of their awkward relationship. 'Stop acting like a hormonal teenager. You just got caught off-guard by one of Hange's antics, that's it.'

Hearing footsteps approaching her, Sunako immediately compose herself as Aliz comes in with a clipboard and one stack of papers along with it. The brunette sighed in exhaustion as the petite, raven-haired woman looked at her with a calm smile on her face.

"Here, this should be the last one." Aliz placed the stack of papers in front of Sunako as she then handed her the clipboard. "And here's the list of herbs that you request— Sunako, are you okay? Your face seems a bit red."

Sunako was taken aback by her question. Inwardly cursing her fair complexion but otherwise remained calm. "Ah, don't worry. I'm fine. These are the herbs listed right?" Sunako looked over the clipboard that Aliz listed down.

The brunette blinked a bit before making a sound of affirmation. The petite woman gave her a cheery smile and said, "Great! Thank you, Aliz. You may go now."

Aliz raised a brow before she shook her head, giving her superior a salute before leaving. Once she left, Sunako let out a sigh in relief before averting her gaze to the list. Suddenly, she heard a tapping sound at her window and saw a bird tapping at the window with its beak.

Sunako immediately stood up and went over to where the bird was tapping and open the window, letting the bird in as it landed on her forearm. A gentle smile graced her face as she petted the bird before looking over to one of its legs to see a letter attached to its leg that was addressed to her. She untied the letter from the bird's leg as it landed on her desk to rest. Sunako read through the letter and her eyes glinted, pleased at the response she was given from the herbalist she managed to get into contact with.

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