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Unusual missions and tasks weren't exactly surprising, especially when it usually consists of slaying demons

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Unusual missions and tasks weren't exactly surprising, especially when it usually consists of slaying demons. However, today was an exception. A nearby sighting of a woman adorning unusual attire was sighted. That, in itself, wouldn't be concerning as it could just be foreigner visiting - that would hold true if it wasn't for the multiple missing people and strange trails made up of what seemed to be cubes.

And that is where our forgetful protagonist comes into the story. Though stone-faced and the literal definition of an airhead, she was a fierce fighter nd one of the strongest no doubt. But now her skill was being put to the aside so she could play te role of kind of detective instead.

The most obvious thing that occured as soon as stepping into the forest the mysterious woman was sighted in was the various trees scattered around the ground but that wasn't the most alarming part of it - the blood stains and the severed hand beneath it was the main worry.

[Y/N] furrowed her eyebrows slightly in confusion at the sight, but her absent look remaine

what type of demon crushes their prey, but not eat it afterwards?

She shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts and questions that started to cloud he mind. There was no time to be distracted, she was entrusted with this mission and she wasn't going to mess it up.

She continued to follow the cubes that emanated an orange glow only to come to a clearing surrounded by trees. The calm breeze soon turned chilly and violent causing a shiver to promptly shoot up the young slayers spine. The small sound of leaves being crushed under weight caused [Y/N]'s hand to swiftly go down to her sheath and withdraw her weapon.

In front of her, in the darkness, was a pair of deep orange eyes that was definitely unhuman.

so why do I not pick up by attributes of a demon on her?

"Humans... always stepping outside of where they belong" the unfamiliar voice sneered with narrowed eyes, "None of them ever learn do they?"

The slayer remained unaffected and instead opted to get answers,

"You're the one who've crushed those people with the trees, I assume?"

The 'demon' stepped into the clearing and stood with great malice and hate practically oozing from her aura. Her long hair seemed to flare up in anger in reponse to the question.

"It is simply what they deserved for overstepping their mortal authority and now... you will suffer the same fate!" Her usually calm voice and dead cold expression, paired with her obvious feeling of utter hatred was nothing but menacing.

"So, what are you then?" [Y/N] asked the woman who seemed to of closed her eyes in frustration

"It is not what, but who I am, that you should worry about" the unknown being replied with her voice now steadily getting more and more aggressive.

"And who are you?...nevermind I'd probably forget anyway" that seemed to of been the last straw for the 'demon' as her eyes became crazed and started to give off a bright orange glow.

"This just proves the ignorance of mere mortals! I am the sustainer of heavenly princibles, and now, you sall feel even greater pain than death!"

She spread her arm out as the scattered cubes that once layer on the ground, now started to float all around her, their once dull glow now shades of brilliant reds, oranges and yellows. The slayer kept her hands steady now aiming for the shapes to test their strengths against her blade.

But that proved to be a terrible mistake

As soon as she started to srint towards said cubes, the unknown entity made her hand into a fist, causing a massive explosion to insue. The smoke soon parted off into the wind only to reveal the trusted blade and upper arm of the girl now fully engulfed in the unusual substances. Despite how hard she tried to set herself free, it was impossible and the unknown God knew of her victory.

The once unamused expression to donned the slayer, now was replaced with that of subtle confusion and panic, the reality of her situation now setting in. Before being fully covered by the cubes, she made out a few last words,

"Say hello to Teyvat for me won't you?" The mocking comment caused more last minute confusion. The place Teyvat sounded unfamiliar, but before our hero could think anymore, the world went black and her mind blank.

and thus, the journey begins


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