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It was actually a good thing we had to flee from Mondstadt because by the time we had gotten back to Liyue, lanterns and decorations were lain across the streets.

"Paimon forgot! Lantern rite is really close!" The pixie exclaimed. She sounded very excited for this lantern rite.

"What's a... lantern... rite?"

"Really?! Paimon was explaining it to you on the way here!"

"Please stop..." the blonde traveler sweatdropped as he watched the conversation.

We both looked to him and he seemed to have an idea come to his head.

"Well, since we have time, we can go to bubu pharmacy and ask for something to do with your memory—"

"Traveller! It's good to see you again! Ningguang has sent for you!" A millelith solider marched towards us and Aether's face dropped slightly.

"I see..." He trailed off as if he was thinking about something, "Well since you did all the work at Mondstadt, why don't you explore Liyue more?" He asked.

Despite being in Liyue for a month or two, I never really explored or got to know the people. Keeping confined to the funeral parlor and only going out to hand out leaflets probably gave me a questionable reputation.


"Great! Have fun and don't forget to NOT get lost!" He clapped his hands together is relief and then went off to follow the soldier that started to no doubt chat his ear off.

I recalled Aether talking about the Bubu Pharmacy so my plan was to go to there and maybe get this thing Aether keeps telling me about. We also needed medical supplies as they were helpful for traveling regardless.

So, I walked around aimlessly a bit before asking someone. She gave a raised eyebrow before pointing over towards a high staircase that led to a grand looking building.

I nodded with a small thanks and started to walk towards it.

It was a nice building with a rich vibe. Various herbs and medicines were on clean and dust free shelves. The desk was large but it looked like no one was there.

"... hello?" I called out at the empty space only to hear a small gasp and quiet footsteps on the ground.

"hello... welcome to Bubu Pharmacy... I am Qiqi and... um... I don't really know what comes next" a small girl with pastel purple hair muttered. She had a small talisman on her head and tired looking eyes

I felt the urge to say something. Thus conversation was going to go really well or really badly.

"I'm here for... " I thought for a moment.

What was I here for?

That's it!

"something to help with my memories..."

The small child nodded a little.

"Okay... do you have a prescription?"

"a what."

"A prescription... a peice of paper with the medical information..."


"oh... I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you..."

I stood there in silence for a bit. Until the little girl came from behind the counter and started to tug on the hem of my pants.

"are you a... zombie to?" she tilted her head to the side, her braid following.

"no... what's that?"

"Oh..." She nodded, "I am a zombie... that why I have this talisman... I don't like... warm places... I like... cocogoat milk but... traveler says it doesn't exist..."

I narrowed my eyes. Aether had met her before... I could've sworn Paimon had said something about another forgetful person.

"Qiqi... forgets a lot... so I put it in my... notebook."

I felt her grab my hand and drag me slowly behind the counter. She then went through a drawer and I saw various notebooks. Some were a lot more tattered and discoloured from age whilst others looked pristine and new.

She grabbed one and flipped through the pages, showing all the information she had wrote, some and childish sketches on the corners and others had bright colours surrounding seemingly important words.

"Big sis... should try too..." She placed the book onto the ground only to get a brand new one.

She showed the blank pages.

"It will help... with remembering important things... that grown ups have to... remember"

She then shut it and held it out. I hesitantly took it. I was scared she would feel how perplexed I was.

'She called me Big Sis...'

If I was sitting down right now, I would definetly be kicking my legs in happiness. It was nice for someone to look up to me in such a way rather than just see me as a 'violent gremlin that likes to steal grape juice' is what I recalled the sketchy pirate say.

He was probably just salty I didn't talk to him though.

I gave a small nod and muttered my best smile.

"Thank you... I'll try..."

The small girl gave a small thumbs up.

"Qiqi will... try to remember you... without the book!" She exclaimed with a small hint of liveliness.

I nodded quietly.

"I'll make sure not to forget you." I said before turning around and taking my leave.

Though it was brief, I felt like I had just adopted her.

Though, oblivious to them both, a tall man with bright green hair was giggling like a high school girl who just confessed to her crush.


2.5??!?!??!?! HELLO!??!?!??!?!

AND AYATO!?!??!?!?!??!

YOU NEED A DOG? I CAN BARK 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

about to get folded by raiden for my 1092828288282nd time ☹☹

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