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(A/N ; this is not canon to the story, a year has not passed in this story yet (it has in this one-shot though). There will be spoilers for the types of relationships between MC and the other characters so just take it as some hints and fun thing for the new year!)


A whole year had passed since I'd arrived in this world. With the help of a certain blonde traveller that goes by the name Aether, my memory had gotten a bit better.

By better, I mean I could remember the occasional name, but progress was progress nonetheless.

I had become the 'right-hand man' of a crazy funeral director called Hu Tao at the wangsheng funeral parlor. Not only that, I had developed a strong relationship with her wise coworker zhongli along the way.

A chef called Xiangling had insisted on showing me how to make Liyue delicacies for my travels and said how it would be good for my memory.  She had long since forgiven and forgotten about the pranks I had become an accomplice in with Hu Tao.

She had also introduced me to two of her bestfriends.


"Meet Chongyun and Xingqiu! They're both very good friends of mine!" the chef beamed happily whilst motioning towards to two young males stood there.

One had his nose in a book and the other was munching on a bright blue popsicle.

"It's nice to meet y— wait! You're the strange one who was just standing on wuwang hill!" The one with the popsicle exclaimed, causing the one who was reading to look up.

He was a lot calmer than his counter part, and had a soft smile on his face.

"Greeting my liege, I'm Xingqui and this is my friend Chongyun. Don't mind him, he's just startled is all" He said, "he said about how he saw a mysterious woman shrouded in mist and I though he was hallucinating from getting to hot" He chuckled slightly, bringing his hand to his mouth to muffle it in an elegant manner.

"I personally thought it would be a great premise for a book, but now I know you're real and not just a vision, then there's no need for it"



fter that interaction, they both stuck to me like glue for some reason. Xiangling was a lot more less attached but she would visit me alot but not nearly as much as that pair.

It got to the point that I'd be training in the mountains, I'd turn around and see a bush that had not been there before. I gave up soon after with telling them to leave me alone.

They weren't the only ones who would be particularly attached to me. A certain (emo) adeptus I had been forced to visit with Paimon and Aether seemed avid of helping out during battles.

He had told me to say his name out loud but nine times out of ten, I couldn't remember but he would appear anyway. I think it was because I gave him almond tofu once.

I had also met the richest woman in teyvat, more specifically, a lady called ningguang. She had a deep and soothing voice and would often tell me the hardships of being such an important figure in a such a large nation, however she would always go on to say how worth it was to get all the riches she would accumulate.

Keqing and Ganyu were a lot different than her. Keqing was more cynical and critical of the gods and their way of ruling whilst Ganyu would praise morax's work and how proud she was of human kind for prospering under such hard circumstances.

Keqing would invite me for tea quite a bit and would spar with me, but she had said how she would never use her vision on me for some reason.

Ganyu liked to work, so she didn't really have time to invite me anywhere, but when she did, she'd invite to the mountains for much needed rest from the bustling city.

She seemed to enjoy the city more than I did and would marvel at the sight of the bright lights and voices whilst I enjoyed the solace and tranquility of a certain birds abode.

Said bird had first came off as arrogant and seemed to have superiority complex, but it seemed after a while of Ganyu bringing me, she had become quite fond of my presence.

Once I had walked along the harbours edge and bumped into a tall lady. She had a confident stature and a string voice. She was Captain Beidou of the Crux ship and was very happy to see 'a friend of the travelers' and thanked me for helping save Liyue even though I had hardly done anything. After that, she'd let me on her ship as much as I wanted when she was at Liyue.

And now here I was, sitting on a quite deck. No one was there, they were all standing in the main harbour over looking the sea to see the lanterns and fireworks clearer.

I was kind of glad that none of my friends had found me or was there, it was mildly embarrassing to admit that I enjoyed their company but I walked around them anyway.

Then, with a loud cheer from the audience, lanterns and loud booms came from the sky. The celebration of the new year had begun and parties and shouting could be heard.

A small smile appeared on my lips as I watched on the sea, ignoring the ruckus on the main land.

"I wish I could stay forever"


Happy new year! Again, this isn't canon (at least not yet) so don't take anything to heart. It has some vague teasers of the type of relationships happen between the characters.

The Mondstadt version will be out soon!

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