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After the abrupt encounter with the mysterious woman in the woods and then being thrown into what seemed like the abyss of endless darkness, opening my eyes didn't feel as tempting as it should of been. That being said, the very cheerful and annoying voice that kept trying to spur me from my nonexistent slumber was starting to piss me off.

"Hello! Are you dead by any chance? If so, I am more than happy to help you know!"

'what the fuck'

After hearing that statement, I opened my eyes only to be met with a pair of piercing red eyes staring into my soul and with further observation I noticed she was a young lady who was no doubt pretty but she also looked crazy. It probably didn't help the fact that I would forget about her no matter how she looked or how she acted.

"Aw! So you're not dead after all, what a bummer" She half pouted whilst getting up from her crouching position which allowed me to sit up from where I was laying. She dusted her coat off from dirt and dust that had stuck and then turned to me again with a bright smile.

"Allow me to introduce myself! I am Hu Tao, 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and I'm always up for brand new clients! What do you say?"


She laughed to herself, "Don't give me such a dry answer now! Surely being assured that your death will be taken care if is comforting, no?"

"I guess..."

"See! Why don't you become a client? I'll even upgrade your coffin to wicker!" The girls eyes sparkled and her tone sounded excited but I couldn't help but deadpan at the 'amazing' offer.

"No thanks, by the way where am I?"

She began to laugh again, taking my words as a joke but sadly they were not.

"Why, you're in Liyue of course! Though it is quite unusual for someone sane AND living to come up here. Plus your attire is unusual..."

"Hold u-"

"Interesting! I like you, why don't you work along side me for the time being? We could use a helping hand and you seem to need well- any form of help you can get!"

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly in suspicious,

'She could be a demon, but then again I don't really have a choice...'


"Great! So what's your name?"

'I didn't tell her my name? I must of forgotten...'

I thought for a few seconds, perhaps a little to long for my own name but she didn't seem to mind - actually she seemed to of found it the opposite, she gave me an amused smile when I told her.

"Well welcome [Y/N]! Why don't we go inside and get to know each other better?" She held her hands out for me to take in which I took hesitantly and with surprising strength, hurled me up onto my feet by herself.

"Well then, follow me!"

'what a weird girl'


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