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"This is Childe. A friend of mine and this is [Y/N], a newcomer to Liyue" Zhongli introduced and the ginger smiled but jt didn't do well to reach his eyes.

"Hello comrade, it's good to meet you! Something tells me we'll get along" he held his hand out for a handshake but I just stared at it with a usual blank expression. He soon withdrawn his hand and put it behind his head to play it off and coughed to try and ease the tension.

"Or perhaps not" his face went blank for a split second before returning back to the cheerful facade. He the whipped a pouch out from his pocket and gave it to the vendor at the counter. The man at the counter looked nervous, even terrified but that look was soon that of astonishment.

'something is off about him'

I got up from the table and all three of us started to going back to where we going to carry on handing out the leaflets Hu Tao wanted to be all gone by the end of the day. On the way, Childe tried to start small talk with me but was ignored and resulted to harassing Zhongli instead.

I picked up the leaflets from the place we'd stored them and started to hand them out to people. This time though, I shoved them into people's faces so they couldn't deny taking it. I wanted to get away from Childe as soon as possible so he would stop trying to talk to me.

"So what's your favourite colour?"


"Where are you originally from?"


"Can you fight?"

I turned to him in annoyance and shoved the last flyer into his chest. Hard.

He staggered back a little whilst looking at the contents:

'Buy one coffin, get one free!

Upgrades of materials will be an extra 1000 mora each tier!'

"You're gonna need this"

I then turned around and started walking back to the Funeral Parlor.

'Thank god they gave me a map'

"How interesting..."


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