Chapter 30

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They turned towards the source of the sound and were shocked to see ...

"S...Sungho ..." they all were shocked to see Sungho standing there with a pissed off face but were also relieved that it was not Jungkook or so they thought ....
Their shocked face turned into a terrific one in a span of seconds when they saw Jungkook who slowly showed up when Sungho moved to the side ...
Jungkook was standing there with tears rolling down his eyes and sniffling ...

"Sungho wh .what are you both do..doing w.ent to th..the office right?? Since when are you sta.. standing here? " Junghyun stuttered..

"We went to the office but the files that were required for the meeting were here we came back to take them and thank god we came otherwise we would have never known that stupid idiotic plan of yours ..." Sungho said and shook his head in disappointment ...

"Why did you guys do it ? Even I was a part of this whole thing but you never even cared to tell me ...don't you guys trust me ...I am really disappointed ..." Sungho continued ...

"Sungho baby, we didn't tell because we know how much you hate these kind of things and we weren't sure if you would help us or not and we all didn't have any other option ...that's why we didn't tell you ...and we do trust you that's we were about to tell you the truth ... Plz trust us " Yoona said

" It's ok I guess ...but next time do tell me and why wouldn't I have helped you all's about my little brother ...and if  it was something that can make him happy I would definitely have helped you all see, just because of your so called plan, they are not even talking to each other ..." Sungho said ...

"Kookie baby ...plz forgive us ...we didn't knew that this would happen ..we thought that you both will get together and always stay happy but it just didn't work and here we are ...we are extremely sorry baby ...plz forgive us ..plz ..." Jin pleaded with teary eyes when he saw that Jungkook was just standing in his place while slightly sniffling and tears coming out of his eyes like rain ...

"Where is he? " That was the first thing that Jungkook said ...
And all of them replied with a confused 'huh?' ...

"That stupid monkey ...where is he?" Jungkook said, this time a bit louder and everyone understood who he was referring to ...

"He is at home ..." Jaesung said ...

And jungkook didn't take a minute to turn on his heels and rush out of his mansion ...
He ran towards his car and hopped in, driving towards Taehyung's mansion ...

"That idiot, how dare he leave me alone for a stupid reason ...I will kill him .." jungkook said to himself while driving...

After a few minutes, he reached tae's mansion and knocked on the door ...
The servants opened the door and greeted him and he greeted back ..

"Umm ..where is Taehyung?" Jungkook asked

"Young master is in his room " the head butler said and Jungkook nodded and went towards Taehyung's room ...

He reached Taehyung's room and knocked on the door and got a weak 'leave me alone...I am not hungry ' from inside ...
Jungkook sighed and knocked again but Taehyung didn't open the door ...he kept knocking loudly on the door and finally after 4 attempts,the door opened revealing an annoyed Taehyung ...

"What do you wan.....koo!!!" Taehyung was shocked to see Jungkook standing at his door with puffy and swollen eyes, red tinted nose and cheeks, tear stained face which was still wet from the tears flowing from his eyes ...Jungkook pushed Taehyung inside his room, went in himself and locked the door ...

"How could you ..huh?? How could you do this to me ?" Jungkook said while crying hard ..

"Ju..Jungkook ...wha..what are you tryi.." Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook ...

"Shut up ..just shut up and listen to me ...just because I hanged out with my hyungie for a few days, you thought I forgot about you ...just because I spent some more time with him, you thought that I don't care about you anymore ...why are so dense tae hyung noticed that I spend more time with my hyungie and I am happy with him, then why didn't you notice that how happy I am when I am with YOU can you not notice that how much your presence affects me ...just because you thought that I am happy with hyungie, the first thought you got was leaving me alone you know how much it hurts when you ignore me much I feel like crying when you talk to others but not me ...and do you know who Sungho hyung is to me don't know right ?he is my cousin and he is engaged to a girl in U.S ....and you being the dumbest guy in this whole planet, believed that we have a romantic relationship between us just because of what other people said ...and for your kind information, it was all their plan ...they all planned this so that they can get us together ...they wanted to make you jealous so that you can confess your feelings to me but what they didn't knew was that Kim Taehyung is the most dense person to ever exist to do what they wanted ..." Jungkook said and took a deep breathe to calm himself...

"H..he ..yo..your. brother? Taehyung said still surprised with the sudden revelation...

"Yes you monkey ...he is my brother ..."


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