Chapter 32

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"No..." Jungkook said and moved a bit away from Taehyung and Taehyung was disappointed very much ...

"B.but w.hy said me ..." Taehyung stuttered nervously thinking Jungkook was just joking about loving him and some tears started pricking his hazel eyes ...
Jungkook, on noticing this, couldn't help but to embrace Taehyung in his arms ...

" Shh ...don't cry baby ...and of course I love you ...even more than myself .." Jungkook said

"Th.then why can't I k.kiss you ?" Taehyung asked still in jungkook's embrace ...

"That's your punishment for ignoring me ..." Jungkook said with serious tone and pulled away from the hug and saw Taehyung pouting while looking at him with puppy eyes so that koo would cancel the punishment but Jungkook was not giving in so easily ...

"No ..I am not going to fall for that ...don't give me those eyes ..." Jungkook said and turned his face to the other side because he knows that he can't resist those damn eyes for long ...
Taehyung saw that Jungkook was really determined to give him punishment so he didn't say anything else because he knew that he deserves it ..and moreover he didn't want to force koo in kissing him ...he wanted their first kiss to be memorable and magical ...

"Ok fine ...but you will let me hug you right ? Plz don't say no .." Taehyung said quickly ...
Jungkook looked at Taehyung again and cupped his cheeks in both of his hands ...

"Yes my big baby ..." Jungkook said and again hugged Taehyung ...

"I am not a baby ..if anyone is, then it's you...with that cute baby face of yours , your round cubby cheeks ...and oh so cute button nose that I want to boop and the way you pout cutely ... everything screams baby ..." Taehyung said and placed his chin on top of koo's head ...

"No ...I am not " Jungkook denied in a whiny tone ...

"Yes are ...but you are my baby pretty baby " Taehyung said and kissed jungkook's hair ...

They stayed in each other's embrace for a few minutes just enjoying each other's warmth and listening to the music to their hearts beating together as one ...

"Koo!!" Taehyung called and Jungkook hummed ...

"I love you " Taehyung said and pecked jungkook's forehead lovingly ..

"I love you too ..." Jungkook said while looking into Taehyung's eyes which held the whole galaxy for koo ...

"Now comeon, let's eat have not eaten anything " Jungkook said

"How do you know that I didn't eat?" Taehyung asked surprised ...

"Maybe because I am not an idiot monkey like you ???" Jungkook said playfully and ran downstairs...

"You little. .." Taehyung said and ran behind Jungkook ...

They were running in the whole house while laughing and giggling and all the Butlers and maids in the house were more than happy to see their young master happy after so many days ...

"Gotcha " Taehyung said and backhugged Jungkook and twirled him around when he was trying to run away towards the kitchen and both of them laughed ...

" carry me to the kitchen peasant" Jungkook said or more like ordered playfully because he thought that Taehyung would just laugh and put him down but oh boy how wrong was he ...
Because Taehyung did put him down but only to pick him up again and this time in bridal style making Jungkook yelp ...

"Gladly queen" Taehyung said and started walking towards the kitchen ...

"Yahh ...what are you doing ? There are people around here ...and don't call me me that ..." Jungkook said while blushing furiously ...

"As if I care and I will call you that because you are my queen who rules my heart " Taehyung said making Jungkook more red that he can be considered as a strawberry ...

Taehyung carried Jungkook to the kitchen like he was feather and placed him on the kitchen counter and stood between his legs ...

"Why are you so beautiful little heart can't take this much beauty ..." Taehyung said and clutched his heart like he was in pain ...
And Jungkook just giggled seeing his overdramatic hyung ...

"So cheeky taetae " Jungkook said and caressed Taehyung's hair, removing some strands that were falling on his eyes ..

" Only for you baby ..." Taehyung said and held Jungkook's hand that were on his hair only to kiss the knuckles ...

"Bun ?? Will you be my boyfriend and stay with me forever?" Taehyung asked

" See ...this is why I call you monkey ...isn't it obvious that I would love to be with you forever " Jungkook said and pouted a bit because he thought that they were already a thing ...

" Don't pout like that baby ...I will not be able to control myself ..." Taehyung said

"Yeah? Then I will also have to increase your punishment ...umm how about no hugs ...or even about no touching ??.. " Jungkook sassed back to hide how much he was flustered by the elder's words ...

"No no no need to increase it ...I will not do anything ..." Taehyung said quickly making Jungkook giggle ...

"Now go and sit down , I will make something for you " jungkook said and tried to  push Taehyung out of the kitchen but Taehyung being the whipped man he is, decided to just sit on one of the chairs and watch his beautiful boyfriend cook for him ...

"Now go and sit down , I will make something for you " jungkook said and tried to  push Taehyung out of the kitchen but Taehyung being the whipped man he is, decided to just sit on one of the chairs and watch his beautiful boyfriend cook for him

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"Why are you looking at me like that ...go and do your work ..." Jungkook said flustered at the intense gaze of the elder ..

"I am doing my work only ..." Taehyung said cheekily while looking at jungkook with dreamy eyes and jungkook just whined and turned his face away to continue his work ...

'how did I get so lucky to have him ...' Taehyung thought to himself while looking at his koo and smiled to himself ...


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