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*Ian Romero's POV

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*Ian Romero's POV

I chose this university so that I could keep studying with Ade. I knew he wasn't coming today and I knew he had a good reason to skip the first day, but I would have given anything to have him here with me.

Ade Egbe had been my closest friend, through the five years we had been in the same secondary school. I had been the new kid, still trying to process my parents' divorce, and Abe had immediately taken me under his wing.

I didn't miss him because I would have been scared of the new school nor did I have difficulties making friends. I'm not shy and often I don't even have to go to people: they come to me. Especially girls, just like today, when by lunch break three remarkably pretty girls had already come to introduce themselves to me. 

I missed Ade because I didn't have anyone to talk to. Not that I would have been alone, since I had spent my day with Bryce, Jeremy and Kaleb instead. We used to be friends when we were younger and although I find them slightly annoying, their company was better than being alone. I did talk to them, but we didn't really talk about anything. 

When the school day was over, I dialed Ade's number and hoped he would answer. He did, thank god. Before Ade could even ask how my day had been, I started ranting about Cody Walker. I used to be friends with him as well, but from what I've seen today, we aren't anymore. 

Back when I knew Cody, he had a wide smile on his lips wherever he went. He used to be such a warm and approachable kid back then, and I wondered what had turned him to the sulky guy I was seeing today. His hair was longer, his features more mature and his smile was missing, but otherwise he looked the same. 

He seemed angry and the way he had glared at me the entire day.. It couldn't be about that stupid thing years ago, right? The thing was ancient history and were kids back then, so why make it such a big deal?

I know it was a shitty thing to do, but if that was the reason Cody hated me so much.. Someone seriously needed to teach him how to let go.

Let bygones be bygones and all that.

I told Ade how I had joined the others at the stands after school. Bryce and his sidekicks had started cheering for Cody Runner and it had made me smile. I mean come on, it was funny. Apparently Cody hadn't thought the same, because he had given me the most venomous glare I have ever seen in my life. 

One thing though, that guy can run. Cody just sprinted around the track so fast even the coach had looked amazed and he had hurried to congratulate him. Then Cody had given me the in-your-face smirk, like I would have somehow wanted him to fail, and all I could do was stare at him.

"And that, my friend, is what is wrong with you. You're so used to being liked by everyone that you just can't handle rejection." I could hear from Ade's voice that he was smiling, almost like he found my issues amusing.

"Why am I still friends with you?" I groaned.

"Because I'm an excellent friend and you know it." Ade said. I could hear muffled shouting in the background to which Ade answered: "I'll be there in a minute!"

"You better go before your mom gets angry. See you tomorrow." I was smiling when I fumbled for my keys from my bag. I was already at the front door, so I would have ended the call anyway.

When I walked into the hallway, I took my shoes off and carefully placed them on the rack. Mom would be furious if I managed to smudge the parquet floor with dirt, and I wasn't in the mood of being scolded about the importance of tidiness. 

Our home had two floors, an open kitchen and walls so high I could have stood on my mom's shoulders (she's as tall as me) and I would still have to stretch to touch the ceiling. The floors were dark parquet and all the walls white in the modern interior. Everything was spotless: the surfaces shone and no book or bowl was left visible.

"Hi, honey. You're home early." My mom, Sienna Pérez, greeted me from the kitchen. As I said, she's as tall as me, 6'3, which is a lot for a woman. She was wearing an elegant evening dress, she had a full make up on her face and her long brown hair was on loose corkscrew curls.

"Is it a work thing?" I asked her.

"No, no. I'm having a date." She said and gave me her best on-stage smile.

"Already? What about — um — Rick?" Maybe that was the name of the man my mom was dating recently.

"Me and Raul are no longer a thing." Mom said and continued: "There's dinner in the fridge. Just heat it up and make sure you're not skipping the veggies." 

Another thing my mom is obsessed about is food. Ever since she divorced my dad, she has been on a diet. It's always 'nutritious food this' and 'nutritious food that' with her. I think she looked better and healthier when she had a little flesh on her body, but who am I to tell her that.

"How was school?" She asked then.

"Mm, okay I guess." I muttered while opening the fridge. "Do you remember Cody Run — Cody Walker?"

"Oh, Cody, he was such a sweet boy. Of course I remember him." Mom started smiling, a warm look in her brown eyes.

"He's in my class." I told her, leaving out the fact Cody wasn't such a sweet boy nowadays.


Question of the day:
Marvel or DC?

(Me: Marvel always and forever. Although Joker is definitely one of my favorite movies.)

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