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*Cody Walker's POV

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*Cody Walker's POV

When I looked at the three people sitting at the table with me, I wondered if they knew how much they meant to me. They had pulled me out of a dark place and saved me in countless ways. I couldn't believe I was actually lucky enough to have friends like them.

I knew I should have been nervous, terrified even, yet I felt calm and resolute. We truly were doing it today. It might not work or change anything, but I knew now that we had to try.

It had backfired last time, but now I had evidence and friends to back up my story. I was almost certain the principal would believe me this time, I just didn't know if she could actually do anything to help me. Maybe we should have taken this to the police instead, since we were all adults now, but I wanted to trust that the principal knew how to handle the situation.

"Can we go catch some air?" I suggested when me and Ian had cleared out plates. Oat and Ade weren't done yet, which I didn't mind since I wanted to be alone with Ian for a while. Not to talk or anything, just to sit down and have him next to me. Maybe I was a little nervous after all.

"Yeah, sure." Ian smiled softly at me and so we left Ade and Oat in the cafeteria. 

I knew the fever was making a comeback, because I had chills and my legs felt rickety, like they could give away under me any time soon. I also had a runny nose and I had to cough every now and then, but it was nothing I couldn't manage. When we were in the school yard, I slumped to sit on the stairs near the main entrance. 

"The fever is back." Ian complained and touched my forehead, but then sat down next to me. "I'll take you to the nurse afterwards."

I placed my head on Ian's shoulder and his hand started playing with my hair. For a while we just sat there in silence, both lost in our thoughts. People walked past us, but we barely even noticed them or the looks they gave us.

"What time is it?" I wanted to know if we should start heading to the principal's office. Ian dug the pockets of his jeans, then the pockets of his hoodie and lastly his back, his movements turning hastier and hastier the more looked.

"Darn, I forgot my phone at the cafeteria." Ian cursed and stood up. "Let's go get it."

"Mm. Can I just wait here?" I asked. The cafeteria was on the other side of the school and I really didn't feel like walking all the way back there. 

"I won't leave you alone." Ian objected. 

"Just go, I'll be fine." I reassured him.

"If you say so. Look after my bag, okay?" Ian shrugged and placed his back on the stair next to me. I thought about picking my phone from my backpack, but it seemed like too much effort, so I just sat there.. For like a second or two.

"You're ba—'' I looked up, when someone grabbed Ian's bag from the stairs. As soon as I noticed who it was, I tried to snatch it back, but the person was already running down the stairs. Soon two others followed him and I had no other option than to get up and run after them.

"Is that the best you can do, Cody Runner?" Bryce jeered, dangling Ian's bag in his hand. So I tried to run faster, but I was having hard time keeping up, when my lungs felt like they were on fire and my legs like they weighed tons. I started coughing and I needed to take a breath. I didn't think I could keep running after them.

Luckily I didn't need to, because as soon as they noticed I wasn't following them, they headed back to me. I had to lean my hands on my knees when I coughed, feeling a familiar ache in my chest. I started opening my backpack frantically, but Jeremy snatched it from me before I could get what I needed.

"You're up to something, aren't you?" Bryce accosted. "All that whispering and all those glances, what's that about?"

"Can you.. give me.. my medicine?" I panted, trying to get in as much air as I could, but it was useless. "I'm having.. an asthma attack."

"Sure, come and get it." Jeremy snickered, holding the backpack over his head. I tried to reach it, but I was too short. 

"Did you really think that would work on us?" Bryce sneered at me. He was grinning, but there was a hint of dubitation in his eyes. 

"Please.. I really.. can't.. breathe." I wheezed. I felt like someone was pressing my chest, squeezing too tight and my breaths became shorter and shorter. I needed my inhaler. I started coughing again and my legs gave away under me.

"He's not making it up. Just give him the medicine!" Kaleb bid and he too tried to snatch my backpack from Jeremy. 

"You don't get to tell me what to do." Jeremy spat, the grin dropping from his face, and shoved Kaleb on the ground next to me. 

"Come on.. you're killing him!" Kaleb insisted apprehensively. He was clearly frightened when he glanced at me. I wondered if he was the only one who remembered I was asthmatic or just the only one who didn't want me to die.

"I.. need.." I could only whisper at this point and I hunched my back, my head drooping towards the ground. I made a futile effort to scrabble my throat and chest, like that would somehow get the air flowing into my lungs again. I couldn't breathe and they didn't care. I was dying and they didn't give a shit.

This is it. 

This is how it ends.

No principal, no explaining to Cole.

"He's being serious, give him the medicine, Jeremy." Apparently Bryce was standing up for me in the end too. Although I think it might have had something to do with Hope, who had just appeared on the scene and was screaming at them to stop.

So, we were too late after all. 

We didn't make it.

I didn't make it.

And then I slumped down, my face reaching the asphalt first. I was right: they wouldn't stop as long as there was air in my lungs. I just didn't think it would happen so.. literally.


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