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*Cody Walker's POV

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*Cody Walker's POV

I remember pounding the door, I remember kicking the walls of the closet frantically, I remember feeling like I couldn't breathe. I remember I was screaming, in a pure state of panic. I don't remember when I ceased yelling, but I reckon I couldn't have been stuck in there for more than 20 minutes — at the most.

I vaguely remember Ian's arms around my body and inhaling his scent while I was most likely crying. Then, somehow, I was sitting on my bed and Ian was helping me undress.

The next thing I know is that I woke up staring at Ian, who was fast asleep on my bed next to me. It was dark outside, so most likely it was late in the evening, but I didn't get up to check the time from my phone. Instead I lay on my side, facing Ian, who was sleeping on his side.

He truly was handsome, there was no denying it. Not in the borderline infuriating way like Jeremy, who had the face of a cover boy.

Ian was just undeniably good-looking with his diamond shaped face, dimples and honey skin. Looking point-blank I could see his nose was slightly pointy, but that was the closest to a flaw I could possibly find from him. Not that there was anything wrong with pointy noses.

Ian was wearing a black shirt with a v-neck and he had a golden necklace that I could only see partly. Somehow my eyes roamed on his broad shoulders and chest, until I fathomed what I was doing and swiftly turned to lie on my back. 

Maybe you're thinking something like 'your gæ is showing' and yeah, that happens sometimes. What made me so discombobulated was the fact I had just been checking out Ian Romero. Not just any good-looking guy, but Ian freaking Romero. 

In my defence, I was probably still shaken up about the whole closet occurrence. My mind was playing tricks on me, that must be it. So, instead of worrying about it too much, I closed my eyes and fell asleep again. 

"Hey, let's go, we're late from school." That was what woke me up in the morning. At first I just blinked my eyes, not sure if I was still dreaming. Ian had spent the night, he had slept on my bed next to me and now he was waking me up for school. If that's not weird, I don't know what is.

"Not coming." I just mumbled and covered my eyes with my forearm. 

"Of course you are. Get up right now." Ian rushed me impatiently.

"Nope. I have a headache." It wasn't technically a lie, since my head did hurt although in a way that was more annoying than painful.

"Oh, okay. Should I get you a painkiller or something?" The impatience of his tone turned to worry. Since when did Ian Romero care about my well-being? 

"No.." I mumbled and as it started to seem like he had no intention to leave, I added: "You should go now or you'll be late." 

Ian hovered at my door for a while, but eventually he shrugged and left. I could hear his footsteps all the way to the front door and how he opened the door and shut it behind. Then it was all quiet. 

I sighed, feeling disheartened. Not because Ian left, but because I wasn't sure if I could or even wanted to go back to the university again. I was so fed up with being jeered at and I felt ashamed of the way I had acted yesterday. I just couldn't take any of that anymore. I was finito.

Maybe B, J & K would be jamming me into closets and storerooms all the time now that they knew about my claustrophobia. I really didn't feel like walking in the hallways in a constant state of dread. 

They should be proud of themselves, they had finally found a way to break me. They had found out what was the last straw for me, and it only took like five and half years. 

I pulled the blanket on my face and continued sleeping. I was probably making a new record of the hours of night's sleep I was getting. It would have been only logical that I wouldn't have been able to fall asleep anymore, but I did.

In my dreams I was stuck in a space so confined I couldn't move an inch. It was pitch-dark and I didn't know where I was, but I had a feeling I would be stuck there until morning. 


Question of the day:
What's the last song you listened to?

(Me: Swallowing emotions by Rad Horror. 🎶 It's in the playlist I've made for this story.)

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