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*Ian Romero's POV

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*Ian Romero's POV

I ended up skipping the first class, since I was already late, and bought myself breakfast and a toothbrush. I was still wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday, and I was well aware how wrinkled my shirt was. Good thing I kept my hair short and it usually looked good without effort. 

Washing my teeth and having some breakfast would have to do, since I was too lazy to go home. Besides, I wanted to be on time for the second class.

Ever since that moment I opened the closet door and found Cody sitting there motionless, I had been thinking about him constantly. I had promised I would leave as soon as he fell asleep, but I kept dragging it out until my eyes turned heavy. 

I had been staring at Cody for hours, like he was some enigmatic puzzle to solve. 

I hadn't realised how slim he was, until I helped him take off the hoodie. I made a mental note to buy him tons of food — although it wasn't really any of my business and I'm pretty sure he was always eating like he had said to his mom.

It was also the first time I realised how smooth his skin was and I wondered if he was always as pale as he looked in the shadowy room. I noticed he had earrings, also plain silver like his rings. It was funny how Cody hated his ears and how he did everything to keep them hidden, but I had always thought they were cute.

But I think the most impressive thing about his looks is the contrast between his fair skin and dark hair. Cody also had dense and long eyelashes, the kind most girls would be envious of. 

I'm not sure what kind of puzzle I was trying to solve by making these observations, but I found myself reluctant to stop thinking about them. There was just something about Cody that captured my attention. So much so that when I walked in the classroom, I couldn't understand why Callie was mad at me.

Then I realised: oh god, I forgot her again!

"We'll talk after the class." Callie let me know, her voice cold as ice, and walked to her desk. Her blonde hair was on a messy bun and she was barely wearing any makeup, which made me realise how shaken up she must be.

I looked after Callie, feeling extremely guilty. As I said earlier, she's a really nice girl. She's kind, intelligent and goodhearted. Still, somehow she slipped from my mind every time there was something going on with Cody. What's the matter with me?

"What did you do this time?" Ade leaned closer to me and whispered those words, since the teacher had just walked in and was about to start the lecture.

"I kind of forgot I was supposed to see her.. again." I muttered back to him. Then I realised I didn't even have the right books with me, I just had the ones I needed yesterday. "Can we share your book today?"

"You're wearing the same clothes and you have yesterday's books, where did you spend the night? With some other girl?" Ade narrowed his eyes, yet he placed the open book in between us, so that I could use it too.

"No way, it's nothing like that. It's kind of a long story, but Bryce, Jeremy and Kaleb locked Cody in a closet and he freaked out, so I had to make sure he'd make it home safely. Then I accidentally fell asleep and I woke up in Cody's room." I explained quietly.

"Wait what? Why did they lock Cody in a closet?" Ade looked incredulous.

"Probably because he's gay and out of the closet, so.." I whispered. 

"..they're imbeciles? But how did you know where to find Cody?" Ade continued.

"Yeah, pretty much. I heard them ta —" That was when the teacher gave us a warning look and I closed my mouth immediately. 

"I'll explain everything after class." I mouthed to Ade when the teacher looked away. 


"If you're not into me, just say it. Please don't give me false hope and make a fool of me." Callie looked both angry and teary when she looked at me with her big blue eyes.

"Callie, I'm sorry. It's just complicated and yesterday I was —" I really was sorry.

"With his new lover boy." Bryce appeared next to Callie, his girlfriend following right after. Hope, who was Callie's best friend, gave me a murderous look, but I barely noticed it.

"You went too far yesterday." I snarled at Bryce, glaring at him. I didn't know I was going to be this angry, but for some reason my blood was boiling when I looked at Bryce's ugly face. 

"Oh, come on. It's not like Lover boy isn't used to being in the closet — or hey wait, he isn't! It was you who forced him to come out." Bryce snickered. 

"Have you got any idea how terrified he was?" I ignored Bryce's comment, sadly knowing it was true a little too well.

"So? The fuck do I care, if I hurt his feelings." Bryce snapped at me. I lunged forward and grabbed his collar, angry as ever.

"Besides, it was you who started it." He spat.

"Yeah, and now I'm putting an end to it." I told him with a voice I hoped sounded intimidating.

"Ha! Did he give you a piece of his sweet ass and now you're all over him?" As soon as Bryce had said those words, I slammed my fist right to his mouth. 

"Don't ever pull a stunt like that again, jagoff." I let go of his shirt, turned on my heels and walked away before I would be redecorating his face into berry jam.

"You're going to regret this!" Bryce yelled after me, but I couldn't have cared less. First of all, do not mess with Romero slash Pérez family: my parents have money and authority. Secondly, if Bryce was going to pick a fight with me, I was going to give him a war in return.


Yet again, I was standing in front of the now familiar front door. I was holding a paper bag that was still warm and smelled amazing. I wasn't quite sure why I was there again and why I even brought food. 

When the door opened, I almost dropped the bag. I'm not sure what I was expecting to see, but definitely not a tall muscular guy whose arms were covered with tattoos. He had a grim look on his angular face and he crossed his arms when he looked at me critically from head to toe.

"And who are you?" The guy accosted.

"I-I'm Ian Romero, Cody's classmate." I don't know why, but that guy was seriously scaring me. He glared at me one more time.

"Cody! There's some Ian Romero guy who wants to see you. Should I let him in or kick his ass?" He yelled then.

"He's okay." Cody yelled back. I assumed he was in his room, since the shout sounded muffled. 

"Fine, please come in. Leave your shoes here and.. What's in the bag?" The scary guy started giving me instructions. 

"McDonald's." I muttered while taking off my shoes. I was expecting to hear follow-up questions, but the guy just nodded. Then he walked me to Cody's door.

"Stop scaring him, Mylo." Cody scolded the guy next to me.

"Your word is my will. But don't hesitate to yell, if you change your mind." The guy, Mylo, was now smiling. He glanced at me one more time, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind. 

"What are you doing here?" Cody frowned. He was wearing the same clothes and his hair was all ruffled up, so it was clear he hadn't left his room today.

"I brought food. How's your head?"


Question of the day:
What are you afraid of?

(Me: I have lepidopterophobia a.k.a I'm terrified of butterflies 🦋 + I have claustrophobia, like Cody. I'm actually scared of many things, such as fire and fireworks.)

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