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*Cody Walker's POV

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*Cody Walker's POV

It was going surprisingly well. I did my best to make Ian feel as relaxed as possible. It started to seem like the meal had finally cooled down the hidden tension between Ian and his dad. 

But then Diego Romero asked the wrong question. I almost jumped off my seat when Ian raised his voice, because all those times he had gotten angry at me he had always kept his voice down. I had never seen him that angry or that agitated, so I placed my hand on top of his balled fist. 

The touch seemed to relax him a little, just like it had done earlier when we were sitting in the living room. In my family we don't really hug or touch each other, so the concept of using physical contact to make someone feel better felt unfamiliar to me, but I found it helpful for us both. 

You see, I was anxious too, but that goes pretty much with all the people and it had only a little to do with Ian's dad. I just hadn't realised how charged their terms were. And how could I when my and Ian's paths diverged right after his parents' divorce?

"Then why did you have to cheat on her?" At this point Ian seemed like he wanted to get up from his seat and storm out of the room.

"I couldn't live in a lie anymore, it was killing me to pretend to be something I'm not. When I met Larry, I fell madly in love and I knew I needed to get out." Diago explained in a calm manner.

"And you needed to get out so badly you fucked your way out of your family? Oh sorry, I meant 'the lie'." Ian's voice sounded strained.

"You weren't the lie, trying to pretend I could live happily with a woman was. I love you and your mom, but I couldn't love her like I was supposed to love her." Diego sounded sad when he said those words. I could tell he had truly tried to love Sienna.

"I don't regret finding the one I really love, I don't regret meeting Larry. The only thing I regret is hurting you and your mother. I should have found a better way, I just couldn't think of one." Diego sighed.

"One day you'll understand why it is so important to be with the one who truly makes you happy. No matter how many bridges you'll have to burn." Larry glanced at Cody and then turned his blue eyes back to Ian.

"Are you happy?" Ian whispered and turned to look at his dad with a pensive look in his eyes.

"Yes. He makes me happy." Diego's smile was a mixture of sadness and fondness.

"Okay." Ian gave in and lowered his gaze. 

"Are you happy?" Diego asked in turn. Ian glimpsed at me before he answered: "I will be."


After we left, we had been driving in silence. I glanced at Ian every now and then, but he kept his eyes closely on the road. Many times I had opened my mouth and closed it again, having no idea what I was supposed to say. I fiddled my rings nervously and kept shifting on my seat, unable to find a comfortable position. 

"Why don't you pull over?" I finally managed to utter something close to supportive. Ian glanced at me, answering my gaze briefly. His lips were pursed in a tight line and it seemed like he wanted to retort something, but instead he slowed the car and parked it on the roadside.

It was getting late and we were the only ones at the visual range. The sun was already setting, tinting the sky red. Not that I really paid that much attention to our surroundings, my focus was on the guy next to me.

"I ruined our first date, didn't I?" Ian sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh, we were on a date?" I asked and continued fiddling my rings. 

"Yes. I'm sorry I ruined everything." Ian mused and gently pulled my uninjured hand on his thigh, to keep me from fidgeting. Then he entwined our fingers and held my hand while brushing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"You didn't ruin anything." I muttered. My heart was throbbing and it had more to do with our joined hands than anxiety. 

"Actually, I didn't mind being there." I admitted and then added with a lighter tone: "The food was good, right?"

"Yeah. I completely forgot that you can have a good time anywhere as long as there's food." Ian chuckled. 

"Well, I have to have my priorities." I grinned and lowered my eyes to our joined hands as I continued: "So, what had you planned for our 'first date' then?"

"I thought we would just stop by at my dad's place and then go out." Ian shrugged. 

"Like out out? Because that can be arranged." I asked and a sly smile spread on my lips.

"Yup. It's not too cold yet and I.." Ian didn't finish his sentence. He just raised his eyebrow and looked at me inquiringly. 

I checked there wasn't any traffic on the road before opening the door and getting out of the car. Then I got round to the driver's side and opened the door for Ian.

"Come on then." I prompted and extended my hand for him.

"We can't just leave the car here." Ian objected, but got out of the car either way.

"Who said anything about leaving the car?" I smiled and leaned my back against the car. Ian started grinning when he closed the door and leaned against the car as well. 

"So, what did you want to do outdoors?" I asked and nudged Ian's arm playfully. 

"Can I do what I wanted to do?" Ian's eyes lit up when he said those words. 

"Yeah, sure." I muttered, wondering if I was making a horrible mistake. It seemed like I had had more wine than I thought I did, because somehow I didn't care if it was. I really wanted to see what Ian would do next.

"Anything?" He double checked. 

"Yeah.." I was definitely making a horrible mistake, but it was too late to back off now.

"Anything?" Ian murmured again. He turned around and approached me, leaving me stuck between him and the car. 

I held my breath as Ian lifted his hands and cupped my face. He brushed my cheeks with his thumbs and I was grateful for the car to lean on, because my legs were just about to give way under me. Ian looked at me and I got lost in his chestnut brown eyes. I had always adored them and I know I'm not the only one who has noticed how striking they are.

"Anything." Ian smiled then and this time he wasn't asking. He leaned closer and captured my lips with his. I was so astounded that at first I just made observations: his lips felt so soft, his hands were still cupping my face, I had this unusual floating sensation in my chest and my heart was fluttering faster than ever. 

Then I moved my lips, mirroring Ian's movements. I had never done that before and I prayed I was doing it right: I answered the kiss.

I kissed him, I kissed Ian Romero. 

Ian pressed his body against mine and I, haltingly, lifted my hands and placed them on the small of his back. Ian's hands moved on my hair and he just kept kissing me until we were out of breath. Then he leaned his forehead against mine, still leaning on me and shut his eyes with a smile on his lips.

"I like you so freaking much." Ian whispered and pecked my lips again. 

"I.. I can't say I hate you anymore." I laughed nervously. What kind of answer was that..?

"I'll take that." Ian laughed back and leaned in to kiss me again.


Question of the day:
Call or text?

(Me: Text! Phone calls freak the hell out of me..)

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