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THE ONE THING THAT REBETTA WAS WAITING FOR WAS SOME PEACE AND QUIET, trying her best to get her way through all the homework she got assigned. She finished up her Latin and her Chemistry, hoping to get to Trigonometry later that evening. For now, she was going to enjoy the crisp air hitting her face and the smell of the fresh autumn leaves on the ground.

    She sat on the edge of the dock, her feet hanging over as she held onto her copy of The Great Gatsby by F Scott. Fitzgerald. This was easily her favorite book of all time. Rebetta had read the front and back to that novel about a hundred times, even more. She felt bad for Jay Gatsby at the very end.

    Whew, Whew!

Betta looked up to see the rowing captain whistling at her. She heard other whistles until the boat rowed away. Rebetta bit her lip and rolled her eyes. She wished she could have said something, but it wouldn't be ladylike.

"Pigs." She muttered underneath her breath. Rebetta then went back to reading her book.

    Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. Rebetta looked up, and immediately smiled.

"Hey, I'm not bothering you, am I?" Neil asked, taking a step in front of her. Rebetta shook her head, wanting him to join him.

    She shook her head. "Oh course you're not Neil. Sit." She offers. The cheeky smile from Neil Perry sneaks upon his lips, sitting down close but where she had enough room.

"Just ignore them Betta." Neil mentions the rowing team. "I don't know why they pull that crap, it just makes you uncomfortable."

    "Tell me about it," Betta put her bookmark that Rose gave her into the book, placing it beside her. "I feel like if I make eye contact with any guy, they're whistling at me."

    "I'm not whistling, am I?" Neil asked. She laughed quietly, knowing that Neil Perry was by far the only guy she met with decent manners.

    "Trust me, I'm not even that worried about it." Rebetta said to him. But the truth was, she was worried about it. These were people that she was going to be with for almost a year. She didn't want to be seen as weak. She just had to suck it up, and not even say a word.

    Betta's biggest flaw has always been that she cares too much about other people's feelings and neglects her own. Even just caring so much of what her mother thought of her, and just wanting to fit in like her. She cared too much. She always cares way too much about what others think about her.

    She looked over at Neil who had an aggravated look on his face. He seemed angry, angry at the world. He looked like he didn't know what to do. His father put so much pressure on him to become "the next best thing" when in reality, Neil always knew that he was nothing like his father. Tom Perry was one of the most vile parents that anyone had ever seen. He always made sure that Neil was going to get into Harvard and then eventually Medical School. That's just not what Neil Perry ever wanted. It's what his dad expected in him.

    "Are you okay?" Rebetta said, speaking very gently. He wasn't, but just like always... he knew to get around it. His father made him drop the school annual, something he was so excited and passionate about. He had to do it though, he had to impress his father.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." Neil said, turning towards her. He didn't want to get into too much detail. He didn't really want anyone to know about his problems with his father. "Don't worry."

It got quiet between the two of them. Gosh, how was Rebetta supposed to talk to him? It was easy but at the same, she feared she would say something stupid. She examined him. The beige pants, his dainty fingers that rest upon his knee.

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