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REBETTA AND THE BOYS SAT IN THE CAVE WITHOUT NEIL, casually smoking their pipes that Pitts had snuck in. At first, the boys were quite shocked on how Rebetta smoked but then after a little bit, they realized that she was a pro.

"Attaboy, Pittsie, inhale deeply." Charlie mentored Pitts on how to smoke. Rebetta still didn't really tell them about Neil and her kiss. They would constantly make fun of her. The only person she had told about their kiss was Todd, and Todd was over the moon for Betta. He was jumping up and down.

"My dad collects a lot of pipes." Meeks added into the conversation.

"Really? Mine's got thirty." Charlie said.

"Your parents collect pipes? Oh, that's really interesting." Pitts laughed. Charlie looked over at Rebetta, who was just minding her business and smoking her pipe.

"Betta," Charlie smirked. "You and Neil huh? What's going on there?"

She rolled her eyes. "Nothing, nothing." Betta brushed off.

"Nothing? You are full of shit!" Charlie said. "I saw you guys casually talking on the dock after the soccer game and now whenever I mention him around you, he becomes a little school girl. He never did that before. You aren't telling me the whole story, Carmichael?"

She blushed, remembering her kiss with Neil. The boys tried asking her questions but she just kept shutting her down. Suddenly, a figure appeared. It was Neil. She smiled when she saw him. "Speaking of the devil..." Charlie mumbled to himself.

Neil carried what appeared to be a lamp of some sort. "Friend, scholar, lady, Welton men." He greeted, sitting down next to Betta and wrapped his arm around her. Charlie looked at Neil and Rebetta, but chose not to say anything.

"What is that, Neil?" Meeks asked Neil.

He looked at the lamp and then back to Meeks. "Duh. It's a lamp, Meeks!" He removed the shield of the lamp to reveal a figure of a man as the base. "No. This is the god of the cave."

"The god of the cave." Meeks repeated. Suddenly, Charlie whipped out a random saxophone and started playing random noises which made everyone jump. Where the hell did he even get that thing from?!

"Charlie, what are you doing?" Pitts asked.

"What do you say we start this meeting?" Charlie looked around at his fellow Dead Poets.

"Y-Yeah, just-- I need a light. I just gotta-" Cameron said, trying to find his flashlight.

"Got my earplugs?" Rebetta asked Neil, and he only just laughed softly. He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, hoping that the others wouldn't be bothered to see. Charlie stood up and cleared his throat. "Gentlemen and lady, "Poetrusic" by Charles Dalton."

Charlie then started playing erratic, random notes on his saxophone which made them cringe quietly. "Oh no." Meeks mumbled.

"Laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling. Gotta do more. Gotta be more." Charlie said as he continued to play more random notes on his saxophone. "Chaos screaming, chaos dreaming. Gotta do more! Gotta be more!" He then went on to play a smooth, harmony of melody. Rebetta was shocked. Shocked that someone like Charlie Dalton could play such smooth jazz.

"Oh my god Charlie, that was great!" Betta gushed.

"Wow!" Meeks added.

"That was nice. That was great. Where did you learn to play like that?" Pitts asked him.

"My parents made me take the clarinet for years." Charlie told all of them.

"I love the clarinet!" Cameron gushed.

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