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Steven Meeks would finally be put to rest today. It was an unnerving feeling going on in Charlie's lakehouse. The guys gathered downstairs all talking while Rebetta was upstairs, still getting ready in her finest black dress.

She wasn't ready to say goodbye. She always had a hard time saying goodbye to anybody. When she was a kid, she hated saying goodbye to the teachers that she grew bounds with, as a teen, she hated saying goodbye to Neil Perry. Even at the age of twenty-seven years old now, she hated the fact she had to say goodbye to her best friend.

She stared at herself in the mirror, trying her best not to get emotional and break down all by herself. After what happened with Neil last night, she wanted to cry. The first thing she does when she finally has alone time with him was argue. She was mad at herself, but she knew they had to talk about it.

There was a knock on the side of the door and a light whistle. "Come in." She called out, looking at her red nails.

"Hey, just wanted to see if you were doing alright?" She turned around to see Charlie, smiling lightly at her. She smiled when he walked into the room. "Do you want to know the truth?"

"No." He answered, just like all the other times she asked that question.

"I'm doing great." She whispered looking at him.

"And now the truth." He said, shutting the door so the two of them could have some privacy.

"Not so great..." She whispered, as she sat down on the end of the bed. Charlie followed by grabbing her hands and rested them into his lap, and rested her head on his shoulder. "I miss him. He should be here, with all of us." She told him.

He pressed his lips on her shoulder and rested his head on top of hers. "I know he should. He should have gotten the chance to reunite with him.. With Neil. It would've been like old times, us little dead poets."

Charlie let out a soft laugh. "I know... he would probably lose it if he saw Neil. He would've been so happy if it was just all of us again."

The silence fell onto both of them until Charlie resumed the conversation, two of them still put. "How did you even run into him?"

"Long story," Rebetta said. "The night I found out that Meeks had passed away, I needed to be alone. So I got in a cab and let the wind take me. Until I saw a little diner which is a hole in the wall. I went in there to write. Then I saw Neil. It was truly the most overwhelming night I had ever had."

Charlie really knew about everything with her and Neil. The sleepless nights, the breakdowns and even the attachment. He understood. "Did you guys talk about that night at all?" He asked, still holding onto her so she could have some comfort.

"How could I?" She asked. "I didn't really know what to say to him right at that moment. I think he didn't know what to say either. We talked last night though when you all went to bed."

He sat up, unwrapping his arms around her and looked at Rebetta. "How did that go?" He asked her.

She sighed, sitting up as well. "Let's just say, it could have gone a little bit better." Rebetta admitted.

"How so?"

"I got angry at him. Some things were said. Nothing hurtful though. Just a lot of raw emotions that have been buried in a box for so many years. I just kind of, you know... let everything that hurt me back then come back out. That's all."

"I mean, I understand why you got angry at him but I also don't." Charlie said.

She frowned. "I just... I don't know. I don't really want to talk about it."

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