3: Whatever Will Be, Will Be

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It was a long endless dream... or what some people called nightmare

Mikey never had a nice dream, in both meanings, a nice dream where he usually experience while asleep or a nice dream of what he want to become or want to achieve in his life. He never had any of them

Maybe his younger self would dreamt a new era for delinquents but now he have nothing

Why dream if there's a possible to die any sooner?

Nightmare. That's what he just had, you in his arms all bloody and cold, you're whispering his name as he cries under the darkness while Draken and the others he killed surrounds him. Blaming everything to him, that it's his fault— it will forever be his fault.

So bolting up as panting with tired horrified eyes. His chest went up and down, his pale face was kissed by the moonlight.

His sins already making him suffer while he's still alive and it will never leave his side




He will continously just accepts all of this, whatever will be, will be. It's what he deserves.

He lies down on the bed again curling his body, making his frame small. Shutting his eyes for once wishing to somebody who can hear him to let a sleep visit him. Wanting a good night rest before facing the world he chose to live in tomorrow.

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"Any updates?" Mikey lazily sat down on the sofa infront of his executives who all stand up, letting their boss sit first before they all sat down also.

"We got no leads, boss. Some shit we hired is useless as fuck" Ran Haitani said and Mikey started to eat his taiyaki. Eyes turning to Sanzu Haruchiyo and Kakucho Hitto.

"We are not that sure about this one, err, but the dog we got spits some hypothesis" Sanzu Haruchiyo said and all attention went on him.

"Naoto Tachibana, that stinky ass bastard's friend might have a clue on where the rat is" Sanzu added and gave Mikey a file, which the white haired man accepted and read.

"Naoto Tachibana can be seen leaving this city to a province near the ocean to visit someone, it is stated that it's just a friend having a sickness. Will take be on leave twice in a month, but don't ya all think it's sketchy? There's a photo captured and it looks like the person beside him fits on your description on who the rat is boss"

"The only one that's sketchy here 's you, crazy ass bastard" Rindou sarcastically said and Sanzu raises his middle finger at him, that's the start of their usual bickering.

Mikey froze seeing a familiar back view on the photo, he is very very familiar with it. How can a single back view from a person can bring great waves of nostalgia in him indeed?

'After all these years, you still have a huge impact on me, Y/N chin'

The others noticed their boss's silence and Kakucho stops Rindou and Sanzu to let Mikey talk.

"Is it L/N, boss?" Ran asks and Mikey throws the picture at the table for all of them to see.

"Yeah" Mikey's answer gives them goosebumps, serious and determined gazes lands on the photo where your back view along with Naoto's can be seen.

"Sanzu, Kakucho find this Tachibana and milk his secrets out. Ran, Rindou, since me and Takeomi got something deal with visit the province and get the address on where this Tachibana usually at" Mikey stands up, emotionless but his heart is all fired up.

'Let's end this, once and for all, Y/N chin'

"Dismissed" He ends the meeting and the executives started to do their jobs, in hopes that they will finally find L/N Y/N who they're searching for 3 years already. Hands are itching to make you suffer after making them suffer to find you.

'Let's start hunting, shall we?' The Haitani Brothers thought while smirking.

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