25: 3 AM Choice

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"But i will crawl, do the things i should never do— embarrass myself even plus state my love for you ever so proudly if in the end, these unusual acts for a man like me will be the reason for you make me yours"


As long as Mikey can remember, it seems like he was reaching for something. A light, a light that is so far away from him. When he runs and runs and runs— it's getting further away while your voice, Takemichi's voice, Draken's voice, Baji's voice and the others are calling his name.

It looks like he's having a dream. For the first time this month, he had one, so he is aware that he gets to sleep because of the drugs Sanzu gave to him. In this dream, he desperately running for that light

but then he stops

You, you who suddenly appeared infront of him, opening your arms with a smile, as if you're ready to accept him and embrace him from all of his worries.

Too good to be true to see such scene unfolds in his dream but still, he held back the urge to smile. Seeing your existence for once again makes him feel overwhelmed to the point that it scares him.

Yet he still dives in, he hugs you so tightly in this dream and suddenly your existence vanished away.


You whispered to him that made him flinch

and by a single word from yours, everything falls apart, slowly— little by little until the cracks from the ground became the main reason why his body fell

Inaudible voices, gunshots, sound of a knife piercing through something and screams from a person in pain

All of it, he heard. He heard so much of it, it was so loud and that loudness strangle him. It was as if someone is holding his neck firmly and making him deaf. He didn't liked it here, he needs to get out of here... if this is a dream then he wants to wake up already... but yet he searches for you, you who left him so suddenly, you who made him fall.

A thought in him blooms. Was he dying? Is this not a dream? does dying felt like this? Desperate, horrifying, and painful?

So deep in his suspicion, his back was roughly met by millions of red roses, looks like he was done from falling that felt like forever.

Tired inky eyes roams around and he sees his own blood meets the red petals and his white hair like a light wave. Funny that he wasn't in pain at the moment, just empty. He wanted to feel things, but he always felt empty.

No matter how much he hurted or killed other people, he never felt guilt. No matter how much he hurt himself in a way that he's destroying his morals or take the punches, even bullets from his enemies, he never felt pain.

No matter how he sleeps with other people, no matter how much he drinks and waste his money over useless things he never felt pleasure, happy or excitement.

"Mikey" His eyes widens again, hearing your voice. Heart started to race as trying to sit eventhough his hands meets the roses' thorns.

"Free, free yourself"

He couldn't understand what you're trying to imply. He was clearly aware that this was a dream, why are you saying that? Why is he here? He could swore he was dying right now.

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