29: May God Save the King

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Warning: Contains graphic violence, PTSD, and gore. Read at your own risk.


So what am I defending now?

You were my town

Now I'm in exile, seeing you out

I think I've seen this film before

There are numerous red flags that you dismissed.


How did Hanma find you in that alley, first of all? How come he helped you? Just a coincidence? in kindness? How absurd.


Second is Sanzu's raid. How did he know that you're at Seishu's house? Four days later when you're fully healed, four days is all what it took for Hanma's excuse to be as much useful, what was that again? Ah, Fuckbuddies.


Third, you were attacked by Ran Haitani, which had an affect on a large number of bystanders. Despite the fact that fighting outdoors is not their thing, Bonten went all out. At the time, you were at your most helpless, yet you managed to survive.


Fourth is when Kakucho found your hideout through Hiro. Where the fuck is Hiro anyways? Ah, must be part of Bonten's plan. All over again, you felt like an idiot, naive, and idiotic. Everybody has been trying to destroy you every so often.


"S-stop Y/N san"

The pounding in your ears increased as Sanzu tsk-ed and shoot Seishu's shoulders. He had to be furious as one of the executives had died at the hands of your deeds. "You psycho whore! You have your fun, yeah? I'll be killing off your bitch first."

Something snaps. As if you didn't heard what Sanzu said, again, you shot Kakucho's dead body

And again

And again

You didn't stop and Hanma with Sanzu stares at you in surprise.

"What fun?"

with no emotion on your face. You stare at them as if this is not worth your time at all. They step back, not knowing what to do.

"Hey.. I hardly feel fun, bastards. Is this fun for you Haru?" Until the gun have one bullet left. You stop, silence fills the gap between you and the two. The stench of blood fills your nose,

Inui stares at your backfacing form in fear, you shown no remorse, regret or guilt to Kakucho and shot him as if no one is watching you do so. Killing him as if he is an insect and no importance in this world but your eyes, oh, when your eyes lands on him, it checked him with so much care. He reassured you with a nod that he will be okay.

"Makes me wonder..."

"Were you even enough to ever give me real fun?"

A cackle Bonten's number 2 gave. "Oh I'll give you real fun" Sanzu shoots your arms, you didn't even flinched. That pissed him off even more, as he is about to shoot you again, you take a one step and started to attack him.

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