Chapter XVI

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The four sorcerers looked at the h/c haired woman in amusement as she ate the matcha flavoured mochi that Gojo had bought her with sparkling eyes and a small blush from the deliciousness. Quite surprising from the almost always monotone woman

"You really like that huh y/n-sensei?"

She lifted her eyes to kugisaki and nodded with a smile that the others craved to see more often

"This is extremely delicious! They never had these types of foods! Oh how far everything has come!"

They laughed a little as they turned to their own desserts, enjoying the sweet flavours that dances on their tounges.


They all walked around, admiring the streets of Tokyo and occasionally scanning their eyes over the windows of shops If something caught their eye but stopped to go inside a clothing store, they, well, mostly kugisaki, wanted to pick out some more outfits for y/n consider she only had a few, to fit in and be comfortable WHILE looking cute. 3 in 1 am I right?

"Oh! This red blouse would look amazing on you y/n-sensei!"

"These trousers are perfect!"

"Hmm no. Oh! This one instead!"

Everyone sweatdropped including y/n who felt just a little concerned for her sake, she was picking articles of clothing left and right, not caring about the rest watching, oh she didn't care at all. For the embarrassment she made everyone feel including y/n

"Y/n-sensei! This lingerie will look amazing on you! The red will make you look hot and it's gonna show off all your curves perfectly!"

Megumi stared in horror with itadori beside him, covering his nose to stop the small drops of blood, his thoughts now filled of not so wholesome imagines and gojo standing completely still and quiet, in shock and too imagining her while the said woman stood with an unreadable expression, quickly walking towards and pulling kugisaki with her away from the boys, letting out a breath when they were across the store.

"How embarrassing..."

Kugisaki rubbed her neck with a nervous smile and face looking slightly guilty

"Sorry y/n-sensei...I got carried away..."

She sighed and nodded, patting her shoulder reassuringly before looking at the lingerie with hesitance, biting the inside of her cheek a little

"We'll buy it if it makes you happy alright?"

In an instant kugisaki was back to her normal self, nodding her head repeatedly and pushing her into the changing room that happened to be behind her, handing her all the clothes and closing the curtain

"Try everything on and show me!"

"I- very well..."


It's been about half an hour, megumi and itadori grew bored of waiting and left to get a snack somewhat whereas Gojo wondered around looking for the two girls before spotting kugisaki Infront of the changing cubicles and walking over, fixing his sunglasses on his nose

"Ne kugisaki where's y/n-chan?"

"She's trying on clothes and I'm seeing if they fit her!"

"Mkayyyyy but let's not stay for so lo-"

"I quite like this, these types of clothes never existed."

The two looked over to the voice and gojos mouth dropped open slightly with his sunglasses sliding down his nose a little while kugisaki squealed

"You look so beautiful y/n-sensei!"

"Mhm I like the way I look aswell, though this is probably for a more formal occasion"

she work a tight black dress that went just a little over mid thigh, it has lace sleeves and revealed her collar bones, it complimented her body and s/c so perfectly, the colour suited for her e/c orbs and h/c hair

"Yeah it is but we're totally getting it! Hold on let me put this away!"

Kugisaki left to put away the ones that didn't fit her while y/n stared at her reflection in the long mirror of the cubicle before feeling and seeing hands slide around her waist, pulling her back into someones chest.

"What are you doing Gojo?"

He leaned down a little and placed his chin on her shoulder, staring at their reflection

"You look beautiful..."

She blinked slightly, she didn't quite process what was happening, she actually never had any experience with flirting and such when she was human or a curse, wait, was this even flirting? It probably is since he's very touchy right?

Her thoughts were interrupted by him quickly moving away as he saw kugisaki coming back in the corner of his eyes, he waved to the two as she came over

"Don't take too long you two! Me and the other two will be outside!"

They nodded and went back to doing what they were originally doing while gojo hummed to himself

'i just couldn't control myself.'

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