Chapter XXXVII

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"you. How many points do I hold?"

"175 points!"

The e/c eyed female smirked in appeasement, leaning her cheek on the knuckles of her hand as she sat upon the corpse of a large curse who too, was apart of the game.

She stood up and dusted herself off, wiping the purple blood from her cheek and walking fowards, no particular destination in mind.

'I love you.'

'my love.'

'my queen.'

She stopped in her tracks and furrowed her brows as his words flooded her head.
She growled in displeasure making the long black haired male turn to her.

"Is something wrong my queen?"

His words were ignored as she raised her hand, using her pointer finger and stabbing it through her skull, a faint ringing in her ears as she did, making all his words turn to silence. She pulled her finger out, blood dripping from the wound before a black matter enveloped the hole and dissappeared as quick as it appeared leaving nothing in its wake, no blood. No wound.

"Not anymore."


"Where are we going to find her? We don't have any cursed energy, we can't even sense if there's someone around us! We'll get killed.. AGAIN!"

Yuuji irritatedly grabbed at his hair, pulling it as megumi hummed in thought.

"We may not have any. But Sukuna does, and so do the other players, Sukuna is limited at this moment, but...if we find a player and convince them to cooperate then...we might be able to get to her."

"And what then? She kills us all over again?"


We let Sukuna handle it."



Megumi turned to the mouth on itadoris cheek and nodded, as if confirming his own plan.

"You heard me, you'll be the one to deal with her."

"What makes you think I can? You said yourself I am limited in cursed power."

"You know her."


"What I mean is that she raised you, she trained you, she was excorcised before you and was sealed away, which means in that time she couldn't possibly be able to come up with new tricks, you spent a lot of your time with her meaning you know most of her moved, her tactics, her strategies, how she'll execute them and how she thinks. You are the only one to know that, so even if you are limited, there is a chance that you can catch her off guard, you do that we help, and you take back what she took from us."

"Easier said than done. Fushiguro megumi. You do realize, she will not listen to anyone, right? Now that shes completely free to use her cursed energy, she's nothing but a cold blooded serial killer, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that would stand a chance against her. You are playing her game. And you are losing."

Megumis mouth formed into a thin line, his eyes narrowed. He knew Sukuna was right, this was her game...they were just pawns that she used to get what she needed to achieve her final goal...but what was it... What was her final goal, what did she want? She said rulling the world but no, that's not it, it's not what she wants he knew it, there was something deeper than that.. because she could easily achieve that now and wipe out the whole human race but she isn't doing that..

"Sukuna do you have any idea of what she could want? Her goal, what is it?"

"Not a clue."

"Wasn't it world domination or something?" Itadori chimed in.

"No. That's too simple and she would have done it already if she wanted to, it's something more than that."
Sukuna sat on his thrown, staring at megumis face through yuujis perspective. The boy was right, if she wanted the world to be in ruins she would have done so already, which makes him wonder, he thought back to every memory he had of her, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown on his lips. Wait... No...that would be impossible.

She wants...her back.

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