Chapter 44

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   E/c eyes cracked open languidly, their brilliance dulled momentarily by the overwhelming luminance that enveloped her senses. A serene moment of adjustment was granted before she gracefully ascended into an upright position, a vigilant observer of her enigmatic surroundings. It seemed as though fate had tethered her to this desolate realm, a haunting terrain of obliterated structures and shattered remnants; unmistakably the aftermath of the cruel culling game.

A discontented sigh reverberated as she scanned the barren expanse, finding solace only in solitude. Perplexity furrowed her delicate brow, and she mumbled in bafflement, "What...? I was with..." Her voice trailed away into an enigmatic abyss.

Just as the words lingered in the air, a swirling abyss of ebony mist unfurled, veiling her perception, only to disperse, revealing her presence alongside Yuuji, Megumi, and an unfamiliar figure, graced with the semblance of celestial wings. Before them, an enigmatic contraption, box-like in form, its unblinking ocular appendages, observed with an eerie intensity. Another cloak of obscurity embraced their view, only to unveil Gojo Satoru, the grin on his countenance a harbinger of intrigue and peril.

Her brows knitted with inquisitiveness, she ventured forth, a silent quest for answers, but the unseen tendrils of fate had other designs. Frozen in place, she battled against her own volition, frustration and vulnerability mingling in her grunts and coughs. A sinister veil of obsidian mist enshrouded her once more, whisking away her autonomy, only to reinstate her amidst the watchful gazes of Gojo, Yuuji, Megumi, and the ethereal woman. Desperation etched their visages, but she stood unfazed, a paradoxical smile gracing her countenance, before she pivoted away.

With a gasp, her eyes burst open, body jolting into an upright posture, as a cacophony of coughs wracked her form. Agonizing pain surged through her, eliciting hisses of torment. Yuuji and Megumi's gazes snapped to her, a tension born of uncertainty keeping them at bay, their eyes a curious blend of wary vigilance and lingering concern.

Clutching her side, where anguish held dominion, she gathered her breath in shaky, labored gusts. Her eyes oscillated between the two, locked in a dialectic of watchful wariness and earnest anxiety. Words escaped Yuuji's trembling lips, "Y/n-sensei?"

She met his gaze, a nod betraying her acknowledgment.

"My... apologies... for my... incompetence."

Yuuji's eyes brimmed with unshed tears, surrendering to a heartfelt embrace that anchored her to the earth. His head nestled against her neck, whispering plaintive words of endearment, "Y/n-sensei!"

A tender smile emerged, her hand offering gentle solace through the tousled tendrils of his hair.

"Please... forgive me for my actions... although I have no way to atone... I hope I will find a suitable way to be punished for my sins."

Her gaze shifted to Megumi, who stood with uncertainty, gnawing on his lower lip. He stepped closer, kneeling beside her, enfolding her in an affectionate embrace. His face, obscured by the cascade of her h/c  hair,  held the shadows of vulnerability.

"We missed you... missed this version of you..."

A frown graced her features, and her hand extended to the nape of Megumi's neck, drawing him closer, offering silent comfort.

"I know..."

Time passed, the trio unwound their emotional tethers, and Yuuji and Megumi relinquished their grip. But Yuuji's body lunged once more, overwhelming her with an affectionate tackle. His arms wrapped securely around her waist, his chin nestled atop her head.

"Don't ever do that again, you hag. I thought I lost you."

She shifted her gaze to his form, discovering the arcane markings that adorned his skin. A breathy laugh danced from her lips, her arms reciprocating his embrace. As she relaxed into his fervent hold, Megumi watched, an awkward observer to this reunion.

"You won't get rid of me that easily. I'm no easy target."

Sukuna eventually retreated, retaining a firm grasp on her waist, a subtle reminder of his presence. His hold tightened slightly, and she hissed in response, pushing him away. Megumi's furrowed brows questioned her discomfort, prompting him to speak.

"Y/n-sensei, show us your injury; maybe we can find a first aid kit somewhere."

Shaking her head, she revealed a ghastly sight beneath her shirt – a stark, white marking etched beneath her ribs. The flesh surrounding it bore the scars of brutality, inflamed and bruised. Megumi's eyes widened, Sukuna's narrowed as he turned to Megumi, an accusatory growl escaping him.

"You're the one who shot that concentrated pure energy at her!"

Megumi defended himself, his voice harsh.

"I didn't know what it was! I didn't do it intentionally! It just happened!"

The ensuing dispute resonated with Y/n's exhaustion. She pulled her shirt down with a sigh.

"Don't argue; it won't change anything. What's done is done."

Their argument subsided, replaced by begrudging silence. A shared, distasteful glance was exchanged, and they mumbled beneath their breaths. In response, Y/n seized both of their ears with irritation etched across her visage, inflicting pain that tensed their bodies.

"I didn't ask to see or hear attitude."

"Sorry, Y/n-sensei!"
"Yes, my queen!"


"Me and Yuuji have encountered her."

She glanced at the raven-haired youth, who seemed lost in contemplation, only partially informed of her 'vision'.

"She's camped in a building across the territory with other  sorcerers."

Her nod signaled her readiness to act, with Sukuna beside her, who refused to switch with Yuuji saying "the brat is tired" which was just a half truthful excuse to spend more time with the woman.

"Then we shall proceed."

Megumi assumed the role of leader, guiding them toward their destination.

"It's approximately 4 kilometers away; we should arrive in an hour, perhaps less."

She followed Megumi's lead, Sukuna lurking behind her, eager for the impending confrontation.

"Time to unseal the strongest.

Here we come...

Gojo Satoru."

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