Chapter 41

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The woman's labored breaths echoed in the tense silence, her gaze fixed upon the two teenagers before her. Her eyes, wild and crazed, bore the weight of black veins snaking beneath her skin, while sinister tentacles emerged from the very cracks of the earth.

A darkness shrouded her (s/c) face, a sinister prelude to the haunting chuckle that resonated and grew louder with every passing second. Slowly, she raised her head, revealing (e/c) eyes with pupils so contracted that they seemed like mere pinpricks, glowing with a malevolent gleam. Her lips twisted into a wicked grin, exposing sharp canines that glinted with malice.

"Love? What an absurd notion! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA! You might have deluded yourself into loving me, but I have never harbored such feelings for you. Did you truly believe I could ever stoop so low as to care for someone as pitiable as you? Weakling! Coward! Utterly useless! Your delusions know no bounds! AHAHAHAHA! Did I play my part convincingly? HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Fingers clawed at her own face, sharp nails carving scarlet lines into her flesh, a manic laughter accompanying each cruel gesture. Her pupils trembled as they locked onto the pair, unrelenting grin never faltering.

"Pathetic lot, all of you! HAHAHAHA! Jujutsu sorcerers, drowning in their feeble desires, oblivious to reality! Clinging to their illusions, swayed by their hearts! HAHAHAHA!"

Her sinister gaze fixated on them, the malevolent grin etched onto her face, as the obsidian tentacles lashed out, sending the teens scrambling to evade their wrath, desperation etching across their features.

"Y/n-sensei, please! Hear us out! You're mistaken! Listen to your heart!"

Yuuji's desperate plea sliced through the tension as his fist collided with a tentacle, propelling it backwards. His fierce kick followed, snapping the tip and eliciting a spray of dark, viscous fluid.

"Heart? My heart? HAHAHAHAHA! You mean this pathetic organ?"

With an unyielding grin, she dragged a sharp nail across her chest, crimson and ebony liquid spattering the ground. A wicked revelation followed – a gray heart, feeble in its beat, exposed in all its grimness.

"This heart? Do you honestly believe this is the heart I possessed all those years ago? Mere replacement, a hollow shell to fill the void! It serves me no purpose! HAHAHAHA!"

Megumi's horrified gaze locked onto the gruesome sight, pupils quivering as he wrestled against a tentacle's grip. He squeezed his eyes shut, a guttural scream of desperation tearing from his throat, shattering the air with its raw intensity.

The ground trembled under the sheer force of his cry, a blinding white light enveloping him. The tentacle recoiled, sizzling and melting in response. As his eyes reopened, fixed on the (h/c) haired woman, he bellowed once more.


A cascade of radiance surged forth from him, hurtling towards her. She had no chance to evade, her anguished wail piercing the air as the light consumed her. Collapsing to her knees, blood staining her lips, she stared up at the advancing teens through hazy vision, tentacles slithering away, retreating into the crevices.

A shout pierced the air, a wave of white light emanating from the figure, barreling towards her. It struck, her scream resonating with agony as she crumpled, bloodied and broken, her gaze fixed on the advancing teens.


Her vision blurred, dizziness overpowering her as she attempted to rise only to be stopped by a red spider lily at the forefront of her vision, radiating an eerie crimson hue.

Her vision blurred, head throbbing as she squinted at the sight before her, a scarlet-tinged spider lily gleaming, an enigmatic aura surrounding it.

"What is...?"

Pushing herself up, pain lancing through her, she reached out for the flower, surroundings morphing into a blinding white expanse, eyes irritated by its brilliance. The scene shifted, revealing an endless sea of pure white spider lilies, rustling leaves filling the air with an eerie susurrus.


Bending down proved impossible, wracking coughs convulsing her frame, crimson droplets staining the white petals. A breeze stirred, blood spreading across the flowers, a relentless tide of crimson engulfing them, transforming the purity into a sinister red.

"Nonsense! What madness is this?!"

Coughs continued, a wince accompanying each one, her weakening form sagging, crimson drops mingling with the flowers. A sensation of decay and rot seeped into her consciousness, piercing her with disconcerting dread.


A voiceless gasp escaped her lips as pale feet materialized, her disbelieving eyes traveling upwards, breath hitching as the truth materialized before her.


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