Chapter five

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January that year came quickly Christmas passed with the blink of an eye and all of a sudden it was a new year. Cassiopeia was isolating herself away from her sisters and her father when she could, her lessons with the dark Lord were becoming shorter and less frequent because he was quickly rising higher in power and it was tearing her apart.

Cassie was starting too feel slightly useless. Bellatrix stopped greeting her when she arrived usually sending Rabastan Lestrange her brother in law instead, it wasn't just Bella that was off though all of the people who would usually at least have the decency to say hello as they passed through the estate wouldn't look her in the eyes.

She had noticed that the lessons she still had with the dark lord had reverted back to being boring like the first few weeks. The energy that he usually had with her was off and she couldn't figure out what she'd done wrong, but every so often she'd see him slip. He tried to hide his laughs at her sharp remarks and his chiselled facial features would relax every now and again so she didn't press on the matter.

"Your sister told me to take you too the right wing sitting room, come on" Rudolphus' dreary tone cut through her bubble of thought.

"Urgh why can't I just stay here" she complained but stood to follow him.

"Because the others that are joining us will be coming through the main living room floo, I highly doubt they'd want to be greeted by a sarcastic ten year old. Especially one that has the capability to put all of them on their arse's" he released a deep throaty laugh.

"See being married to my sister has its perks, you know not to fuck with the women of the noble house of black" she shrugged and ran ahead of him.

"I'm trusting you to follow Bellas wishes!" He shouted after her.

"I know, I know" she waved him off and he turned walking the other way.

If there is one thing Cassiopeia Black hates more than being handled like a child, it's being told what to do. She watched as Rudolphus disappeared at the end of the corridor and then sniggered shaking her head.

"Are all men fools or is it just the ones my sisters insist on bringing home" she whispered to herself.

She used the ribbon from her wrist too tie up her hair as best she could and then went back the way she had just came. She sat and waited by the entrance for everyone to leave the main living room and make their way the the left wing drawing room that was being used as a meeting room, then she followed silently in a cat like fashion sticking to the shadows and slipping into the room next door.

Although she was too young to attend the meetings the dark lord was hosting with his followers she was always in the house when they happened, her lessons were usually after he had given his orders to the various people. Which is how she overheard what she did. Whilst in the next room to where they held the meetings and when she focused hard enough she could see into the minds of the people in the next room.

"The prophecy says, The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches..." was all she could grip ahold of before she felt the persons mind close off to her.

She stumbled backwards in shock. The dark Lord was the only one who could help her, he was the one who could understand her and get her to control whatever was going on with her magic. Cassie needed Lord Voldemort, and she'd help him destroy who ever it was with this power.

In a panic of not wanting to be caught she fled the room quickly and headed to the living room summoning a house elf to bring her some tea. She could feel the dark magic in the house and it was eerie, the dark was all she had ever known and it made her skin prick. Her own magic was thrumming in her veins and the tea was helping calm her, but the fear she had in the back of her mind was still enticing.

"Your late and appear to have your locations wrong" the smooth voice came from the door behind her.

"Sorry my Lord, I'm having a bad day." Cassie replied standing up from the chair she was seated in.

"Well I need to talk to you anyway so sit back down" he demanded.

"Talk to me about what" she rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to be travelling for a while so I'm going to have to cut down our lessons or at least put them on hold until I return" Voldemort said as he poured himself a glass of firewhisky.

"Oh, were does that leave me" she sighed.

"Well I believe your in enough control now, you've got an unbelievable power inside of you and it shouldn't be kept on a leash, you just have to remember to focus it" he was sitting opposite her now tapping a slender ring clad finger on his glass.

"I don't think I'm ready to be on my own" her voice was strained.

"Cassiopeia I have faith in you, once you finish hogwarts you will be at my side and I promise you that no harm will come to you, but I need you to spread my word with the people you meet. We will have an army at our hands one day child." He gave her a determined stare.

"Why can't I just come with you, wherever it is your going" she questioned truly wanting to get away from her family.

"Your far too precious and my journey will be far too dangerous. You may be powerful but your still only ten" he laughed.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning" he said solemnly.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you" she balled her fists and dug her nails into her palms.

"You'll be fine my child, your strong enough to handle yourself and anything that comes at you. I've made sure of that" he smiled at her and stood up.

He reached over and put his hand on Cassie's small shoulder and muttered an incantation under his breath "ab ipsis protego" before she could ask him what it was  a blue glow coming out of his wand and wrapping itself around her tightening knocking the breath out of her, and then her vision faded.

When she woke up she was back in her bed and her body felt like ice despite the fact she was under a thick duvet, there was a note on her pillow that was scrawled with the dark lords neat handwriting,

'Keep this safe until I return my child'

She empty'd the envelope that the note was in and the ring he had on the night before fell out along with a chain, the ring was gold and it had a black stone at its centre that seemed to get darker the more she looked at it. It was clearly too big for her hands and that was what the chain was for, she clasped it around her neck and felt some sort of magic locking it in place.

She was alone, she knew Voldemort would have left by now and the only person she was left with was her father.

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