Chapter ninteen

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The first day of classes was practically just an introduction to each subject so they were all quite boring and they had a few shared classes which was actually quite awkward on Cassiopeia's behalf because Draco had managed to alienate almost every Gryffindor in there year.

By the end of the week cassie was drained and wanted nothing more than too have dinner and play a game or two of cards with one of her friends, but in their double potions class at the end of the week Neville messed up on his cure for books potion and ended up covered in painful boils. Snape insulted him and asked Seamus to take him to the hospital wing but Cassie made snapes cauldron on his desk blow up and he turned in shock.

"I'll take him to the hospital wing, and don't you dare call my friend an idiot" she shot him a deadly look and she saw a glimmer of fear in his eyes.

"Off you go then" he spat.

Cassie charmed her way into the hospital wing to wait with Neville while he was treated and instantly poppy pomfrey hogwarts resident mediwitch was favouring the girl and by Association was giving all her time to Nevilles recovery.

"I don't think it's fair that I have to deal with that greasy vampire looking arse hole as my head of house" cassie said as she sucked on an acid pop that madam pomfrey had given her.

"Cass! He's a teacher" Neville said looking around like snape would pop out of the water jug and scold them both.

"And I'm the black family heir, don't see me walking around bullying people" she complained.

"Well thank you for defending me, you could have really gotten in trouble" Neville bit his lip worrying.

"What's life without a little trouble" she winked.

After almost two hours cassie heard a kerfuffle outside the door and then Pansy burst through the doors.

"Your such a baby, it's not like the hospital wing is going to have curses for people who enter that aren't sick" she spoke to Draco who was trailing behind her.

"Piss off" Draco said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Less of the language or I might just take up her suggestion" madam pomfrey said as she made her way into her office.

Cassie and Neville both laughed and Draco and Pansy sat in the chairs at the end of Nevilles bed.

"How are you feeling" Pansy pouted.

"I should be okay too leave soon" Neville felt his face and the absence of boils.

"We'll we thought we'd bring you some chocolate frogs to cheer you up" Draco grinned at the boy and emptied his pockets of the sweets.

After another hour madam pomfrey said it was okay for Neville to leave and he quickly changed back into his robes whilst Cassie cleaned up the mess they'd made.

"Thanks for all your help madam Pomfrey, I'm sure we'll be seeing you again" Cassie called as they were about to leave.

"Goodbye love, and Neville try to be more careful next time" she gave him a squeeze on the shoulder and the group left the hospital wing.

When they made there way through the endless corridors they finally found the entrance hall and the three slytherins convinced Neville to join them, although he was apprehensive he didn't want the fact that they were in different houses to be the reason their friendship didn't work so he was brave and accompanied them.

"Hey Neville, how are you feeling after all that commotion" Blaise said as he patted the space next to him on the couch.

"Better now" Neville sat down and joined in a game of exploding snap.

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